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lørdag den 9. juli 2011

Steven Seagal in Kazakhstan, plus, pics from Kazakh Fashion Week

Steven Seagal in Kazakhstan, plus, pics from Kazakh Fashion Week: "As we learned from his recent open letter to Vladimir Putin asking for the Russian Prime Minister to support immortality research, Steven Seagal is a great friend to the Russian people, and even 'considers himself Russian,' despite being an Irish Jew from Fullerton who wears kimonos. Seagal was recently in neighboring Astana, Kazakhstan to attend a star-studded International Action Film Festival whose other luminaries included poetry superstar Michael Madsen. During the press conference, Seagal brought up his idea for a Genghis Khan epic, which he's apparently been talking about since 1998. In fairness, if there's one thing we know about Steven Seagal, it's that he doesn't keep track of space and time too well. Here's my favorite badly-translated account of the event:"

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