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søndag den 28. november 2010

Text Ascii Art Generator

Text Ascii Art Generator - ASCII ART - ASCII ART: "Christopher Johnson's ASCII Art Collection was revealed to the Internet in November of 1994, back when Netscape 1.0 was 'soooo much better than Mosaic' and Internet Explorer didn't exist yet. Here we are 16 years later, and if my web-server traffic statistics are any indication, ASCII art is more popular now than it's ever been." Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia (9783882439205): Danzig Baldaev, Sergei Vasiliev, Alexei Plutser-Sarno: Books Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia (9783882439205): Danzig Baldaev, Sergei Vasiliev, Alexei Plutser-Sarno: Books: "Once upon a time, before the advent of the indie rocker and the alternative chick, before primitivism became a style trend and tattoo parlors set up shop on the good avenues, tattoos were the secret language of a restricted world, a world of criminals. ~The photographs, drawings and texts published here are part of a collection of 3,600 tattoos accumulated over a lifetime by prison attendant Danzig Baldayev. Tattoos were his entrance into a secret world, a world in which he acted as an ethnographer, recording the rituals of a closed society. The icons and tribal languages he documented are artful, distasteful, sexually explicit and sometimes just simply strange, reflecting as they do the lives and mores of convicts. Skulls, swastikas, harems of naked women, a smiling Al Capone, assorted demons, medieval knights in armor, daggers sheathed in blood, benign images of Christ, mosques and minarets, sweet-faced mothers and their babies, armies of tanks, and a horned Lenin--these are the signs with which this hidden world of people mark and identify themselves. Edited by Danzig Baldayev. Clothbound, 4.75 x 8 in./400 pgs / 0 color 250 BW0 duotone illustrations~ Item D20362"

Hævy juledekoration. Yeah!

Slayer Christmas Lights: this holiday house decoration totally shreds - Boing Boing

Sig ikke nej til panda!

tumblr_lavfeaNy181qzvu53o1_r1_500.gif (500×311)

onsdag den 17. november 2010

Make: Online : Sad bookshelf is sad...


Make: Online : Sad bookshelf is sad...

Groove Is In The Art

Groove Is In The Art: "The album covers featured here were collected, scanned and archived by the owner of Jive Time Records, a Seattle based store specializing in used vinyl. If you like what you see, visit my other vinyl related galleries listed below. Thanks for visiting!"

Project Thirty-Three

Project Thirty-Three

Stereo Stack: A kaleidoscopic-wonderland of hi-fidelity and dual-dynamic vibrancy

mandag den 15. november 2010

Comics | Make your own comic strips and cartoon characters | Bitstrips

Comics | Make your own comic strips and cartoon characters | Bitstrips

Catch rate - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

Catch rate - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia: "Each species of Pokémon has a catch rate, a number out of a maximum of 255, that applies to all its members. When a Poké Ball is thrown at a wild Pokémon, the game uses a formula based on its current health, any status effect it may have, the type of ball being used, and that Pokémon's catch rate, to determine the chances of catching that Pokémon.
Approximately, the probability of catching a Pokémon starts with the species' catch rate divided by 255. Then it is multiplied by the following factors:
The health of the Pokémon (relative to its full health), which can reduce the probability to ⅓× at full health.
The type of Poké Ball, which can augment by some ×.
The status of the wild Pokémon, i.e. 2× increase for sleep or freeze, and 1.5× for others.
The effects stack multiplicatively — for example, a 2× and a 3× will combine to be 6×. If the calculation ends up greater than 1, the wild Pokémon is assured to be caught.
The rarity of the Pokémon (i.e. how often it appears in the wild) is totally independent from its catch rate after it is encountered. Even rare Pokémon may have high catch rates, making them relatively easy to catch in battle, such as Nosepass (catch rate 255)."

Dårlig hår-dag

FFFFOUND! | steve schofield – © 2007

Online omregner

Online omregner

Danske mål

Danske mål: "Ved lov af 4 maj 1907 - meterloven, er det metriske system for mål og vægt indført i DK
Måle-enheden er meteren, som er en timilliontedel af den beregnede afstand fra jordens nordpol eller sydpol til ækvator. Jordklodens omkreds igennem polerne skulle derefter være 40 millioner meter.
Meteren deles i 10 decimeter. En kvadratmeter eller et kvadrat der er en meter efter hvert led, indeholder altså 100 kvadrat-decimeter. En kubikmeter eller en terning, hvis kant er en meter, indeholder følgelig 1000 kubik-decimeter.
En kubik-dicimeter kaldes for en liter, som er mål-enheden for hulmål
Vægten af en liter eller kubik-decimeter rent (destilleret) vand ved +4 grader varme celsius er et kilogram, som er vægtenheden. En kubik-meter vand vejer altså 1000 kilogram, som udgør en ton.
Et kilogram deles i 10 hektogram, 100 dekagram og 1000 gram. Et dansk pund er nøjagtigt 500 gram eller et halvt kilogram.
Et gram deles i 10 decigram, 100 centigram og 1000 milligram."

søndag den 14. november 2010

Create a Six Word Science Fiction Story! | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts

Create a Six Word Science Fiction Story! | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts: "Well, Oklahoma was here yesterday..."

RIP: Dune and Conan Film Producer Dino De Laurentiis 1919-2010 | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts

Dune and Conan Film Producer Dino De Laurentiis 1919-2010 | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts: "Now, upon his passing, let us remember Dino De Laurentiis for his irreplaceable contributions to camp SF cinema. For sheer entertainment value—ironic or no his pictures were nearly always entertaining—he has few peers. Let us not smirk at him, but allow ourselves to smile."

Inside Full Fathom Five, James Frey's Young-Adult-Novel Assembly Line -- New York Magazine

Inside Full Fathom Five, James Frey's Young-Adult-Novel Assembly Line -- New York Magazine: "The controversial author is hiring young writers to join him in a new publishing company. The goal is to produce the next Twilight. The contracts are brutal."

The arXiv According to arXiv vs. snarXiv « David Simmons-Duffin

The arXiv According to arXiv vs. snarXiv « David Simmons-Duffin: "After more than 3/4 of a mil lion guesses, in over 50,000 games played in 67 coun tries, the results are clear: Sci­ence sounds like gobbledygook"

Top Five Utterly Incomprehensible Mathematics Titles at | daddymodern

Top Five Utterly Incomprehensible Mathematics Titles at | daddymodern: "Every now and then it is necessary to refresh our sense of reverence for the world around us. One way to do this is to get in touch with what the scientists of the day are up to… not the pop-scientists whose work is intelligible by design but the movers and shakers whose work is so utterly incomprehensible that you can’t make sense of any two consecutive words.

And so here is the first of what I hope to be many Top Five lists of utterly incomprehensible journal article titles. These five are plucked from the mathematics section of Cornell University’s excellent"

lørdag den 13. november 2010

You’re Doing it Wrong

Ha ha ha .... google lyver ikke



Hæ hæ



demotivational_poster_6.jpg (352×440)

20 GOTO 10 - BASIC Programming for Dummies

20 GOTO 10 - BASIC Programming for Dummies: "Remember the days when computer programming was actually fun? The joys of BBC BASIC, the GOSUB and RETURN commands, realising you've not planned ahead and need to RENUMBER to fit in that extra PRINT statement?

Me neither, but I bet you do remember “20 GOTO 10”, the concluding part of arguably the most puerile program known to man."

fredag den 12. november 2010

Byggepladen - artikel: Tur til Knuds togbane og LEGO fabrikken

Byggepladen - artikel: Tur til Knuds togbane og LEGO fabrikken: "Til slut mødtes vi ved udgangen til 'de-briefing'. På det tidspunkt var vi vist alle godt trætte af indtryk og i fødderne, så udfyldelse af evaluerings-skema over vores besøg var en velfortjent hvilepause. Jeg tror kun, der kom positive tilbagemeldinger. Alt i alt var vi vist en tilfreds fan-gruppe, der sagde farvel og tak for denne gang til vores fremragende guide - Eric Palludan.

Tilbage var kun turen hjemad. For os sjællændere, var det en lang tur hjem, hvor vi for en gang skyld ikke snakkede i munden på hinanden… Og jeg sov godt dén nat! Og ja - jeg drømte om Lego. Igen!"

onsdag den 10. november 2010

Kronhjorten er død, leve udkantsdanmark! - KUNSTEN.NU

Kronhjorten er død, leve udkantsdanmark! - KUNSTEN.NU: "Landskabet med kronhjorten. Vi kender det som billedet på national idyl fra bedstemors stue og endda også fra visse valgplakater. Men dræbte det nationalromantiske maleri ‘landskabet’ som kritisk genre, eller har nutidskunsten givet det nye horisonter?"

Zombie walk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zombie walk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100 Classic Sci-Fi Movies You Can Watch Online For Free

100 Classic Sci-Fi Movies You Can Watch Online For Free: "As can be expected, the films from this time period are in black and white, and many do not even feature sound. However, many people are of the belief that these details add to the scariness since we are not used to them. See for yourself when you watch these classics for free online."

25 classic science fiction movies that everybody must watch

25 classic science fiction movies that everybody must watch: "Science fiction has rocked cinemas for a century, and the genre has produced many undisputed classics during that time. But which movies are essential viewing for anyone interested in the genre? We broke down the 25 must-watch science fiction films."

Science fiction film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Science fiction film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Science fiction film is a film genre that uses science fiction: speculative, science-based depictions of phenomena that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial life forms, alien worlds, ESP, and time travel, often along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, or other technologies. Science fiction films have often been used to focus on political or social issues, and to explore philosophical issues like the human condition. In many cases, tropes derived from written science fiction may be used by filmmakers ignorant of or at best indifferent to the standards of scientific plausibility and plot logic to which written science fiction is traditionally held." - About ClassicSciFi.Com - About ClassicSciFi.Com: "ClassicSciFi.Com is your guide to the best Sci-Fi, Horror,
and Fantasy Films"

lørdag den 6. november 2010

fredag den 5. november 2010

torsdag den 4. november 2010

Rollin’ with my homies

LPCover Lover | Rollin’ with my homies

BLDGBLOG: Trap Rooms

BLDGBLOG: Trap Rooms: "While finalizing my slides for tonight's lecture at SCI-Arc, I was reading again about one of my favorite topics: trap streets, or deliberate cartographic errors introduced into a map so as to catch acts of copyright infringement by rival firms."

Synergon, a business LARP: escape into drudgery! - Boing Boing

Synergon, a business LARP: escape into drudgery! - Boing Boing: "Synergon is a BLARP: a business live-action role-playing game. Players create fantasy characters who start out as low-level corporate drones and then perform boring, soul-destroying repetitive tasks set by a game-master (called 'The Boss') until they level up. Players also fight one another for the chance to do more boring, soul-destroying tasks."

For sale: Used condoms made from fish swim bladders - Boing Boing

For sale: Used condoms made from fish swim bladders - Boing Boing: "This set of 110-year-old condoms, made from the swim bladders* of fish, are up for auction in Vienna. Delightfully, they seem to have been meant to be reusable, as evidenced by the former owner's careful tally of how many times each condom had been used. It looks as though you were only supposed to reuse 10 times."
