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torsdag den 7. juli 2011 | Top 10 Most Influential Nerds in Comics | Top 10 Most Influential Nerds in Comics: "Comics are a wellspring of nerd power. Nearly all of us, whether our true love is film, TV or Dungeons and Dragons, still get into comics now and then, and for a lot of us comics are the bread and butter of the nerd world. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a moment to look at the present state of American comics and try to identify the major players, the movers and the shakers, the ones who got us here and the ones who will take us further. Keep in mind as you read that we’re not trying to name the best or the coolest, but the most influential. This is about who’s got their hands in the action, OK? It’s also about who’s alive, so don’t crying foul because we didn’t put Kirby or Eisner on the list. Click the jump to read on, and if you see someone we missed, start your own list in the comments section."

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