Masser af links i ingen synderlig orden

torsdag den 26. marts 2009

28 days later chernobyl

Class War!

No user serviceable parts

(WWF Piledriver) PILEDRIVER By Koko B. Ware

CNN - How fast can YOU swim when chased by a crocodile? - October 9, 1998

Swimming coach Mark Davies says his young swimmers are beating the clock, now that they're being chased by a hungry "croc."

The Big Takeover : Rolling Stone

Tax Topics - Topic 357 Tax Information for Parents of Kidnapped Children

YouTube - Ventriloquist Nina Conti

Sci-Fi-O-Rama » Larry Niven - Ringworld / Protector

Topless Robot - I'm Pretty Sure These Are the Droids We're Looking For

George Anthony Dondero

"Modern Art is communistic because it is distorted and ugly, because it
does not glorify our beautiful country, our cheerful and smiling people,
and our material progress. Art which does not beautify our country in
plain simple terms that everyone can understand breeds dissatisfaction.
It is therefore opposed to our government and those who create and
promote it are our enemies."

Datarock — Give It Up (Kissy Sell Out Remix)...

onsdag den 25. marts 2009

George R. Stewart - og uvejr, bare så i ved det ...

His 1941 novel Storm, featuring as its protagonist a Pacific storm called "Maria," prompted the National Weather Service to use personal names to designate storms

Earth Abides kan i øvrigt kun varmt anbefales.

List of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


tirsdag den 24. marts 2009

List of zombie novels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia = with a twist

Welcome to the Internet Movie Cars Database. You will find here one of the most complete list on the web about cars, bikes, trucks and other vehicles seen in movies, image captures and information about them.

fredag den 20. marts 2009

Bange!? Angst!? Ved ikke hvad din fobi hedder!? Ser her så ...

Fobofobi - Angst for å få angst

SIAMESISK KAMPFISK - Fant fisk i penis - Nettavisen


Speciel netbutik

Medbring selv høtyv, reb, bildæk og benzin. Pølserne betaler vi!

We're all mad at AIG. Their executives bear a large share of the responsibility for bringing the economy to it's knees, and now the same folks are getting hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses -- at our expense. Join us for a field trip to bring them the message.

søndag den 15. marts 2009

Sheeet, den er uhyggelig den her!

The Horror: The Mario Paint Strategy Guide Is So 1992 It Hurts

Death: Gamer Deaths Make Clan Notification Difficult, Awkward

"Still, I can see the value of this beyond-the-grave messaging, if I was to die suddenly. I'd send one to my brother Fletch: "TAKE THE COMPUTER AND SMASH IT. DO NOT INSPECT THE HARD DRIVE. ESPECIALLY DO NOT LOOK IN THE DIRECTORY USERS/OWENSGOOD/IMAGES/BORING TAX DOCUMENTS.""

Zypad military-grade wrist computer - Boing Boing Gadgets

"Zypad WR1100 is a computer that straps around your forearm, designed for use by the military and particularly adventurous ravers. "

tirsdag den 10. marts 2009

Mystery Man on Film: The “Raiders” Story Conference

There is a link now available to download the 125-page transcript (in the form of a .pdf document) of the original 1978 story conference between Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Lawrence Kasdan for a little film called Raiders of the Lost Ark.

LoadingReadyRun - Terms of Friendship

Topless Robot - There's No Way the Blood: The Last Vampire Movie Is Going to be This Good

søndag den 8. marts 2009

Blair witch project anyone?

Abandoned Places

Krigsreporteren: Vi kan alle slå vores nabo ihjel -

Jørn Stjerneklar er holdt op med at dække krig. Og han ville ønske, at han aldrig var taget til Rwanda.

Alibi services for married and looking for discreet relationships and discreet affairs

Alibi Network is a cutting edge full service discreetagency providing alibis and excuses for absences as well as assistance with a variety of sensitive issues. We view ourselves as professional advisors who understand our clients’ unique situations. We explore various approaches with our clients and implement the best solution based on each individual case. We understand your need for privacy and we are completely discreet and confidential. Whether you are involved in discreet affairs or you are married and looking to spice up your relationship by spending time with your partner away from the every day life, we have a solution for you.                                                     

lørdag den 7. marts 2009

søndag den 1. marts 2009

Fede retro wallpapers

Legendary Comics Writer Alan Moore on Superheroes, The League, and Making Magic

"It has occurred to me that the superhero really only originates in America. That seems to be the only country that has produced this phenomenon. Yes, we have had knockoffs of American superheroes originating in this country and presumably in other parts of the world, but they're not natural to this environment. They're an alien species. And I've thought about it and wondered why that was. And I wonder—perhaps this is being too simplistic, I don't know, but I wonder if the root of the emergence of the superhero in American culture might have something to do with a kind of an ingrained American reluctance to engage in confrontation without massive tactical superiority. I mean—does the term 7/7 mean anything to you at all?"

Maybe not a kill... But proof that cats aren't just dangerous in hand-to-paw combat

Play:Right Gallerier > DM i Retrospil 2008 Oversigt

Jeg savner heltinder, jeg ikke har lyst til at dolke i ansigtet med en rusten saks ...
