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onsdag den 25. november 2009

9/11 Pager data

Old advertisement for Evel Knievel's popsicles

Raketslikkepinden og ham den småtbegavet udseende dreng er en anelse ...

tirsdag den 24. november 2009

Sarah Palin Parking Lot


African leaders advise Bono on reform of U2

"An expert commission of African leaders today announced their plan for comprehensive reform of music band U2. Saying that U2’s rock had lost touch with its African roots, the commission called for urgent measures to halt U2’s slide towards impending crisis"


søndag den 22. november 2009

Sex Advice From Dungeons & Dragons Players

Riding high in Indonesia

Well ... det her er sån lidt ghetto-agtig fredagscrusing i.

Notes from the Technology Underground: How to Build a Flamethrower Poster

Hurrah! Skolen brænder! Hævnen er kun en tændstik væk.

Notes from the Technology Underground: Car Launching

Tjae ... titlen siger det hele.

Ralph Baer and His All-Purpose Boxes

"Back in the late 60s, German-born gadgeteer Ralph Baer began inventing what later became known as video games. Over the ensuing decades he would develop Pong, the rifle you could point at the screen that was the precursor to the Duck Hunt shotgun, and the germ of countless other important concepts that the gaming industry is founded on."

Culture Clash!: Eight Comparisons of American Video Game Boxart vs. the Rest of the World

Typisk. Ultravold: Ja. Sex: Nej.

The Obree Position ...

... som ikke er nævnt i kamasutra.

lørdag den 21. november 2009

I Totally Recall These Violent Deaths

"You know, if you take out all the bits where people aren't dying horribly, Total Recall can seem like a very violent movie."

Han er superman!

Selv var jeg spiderman.

torsdag den 12. november 2009

Somebody sure looks guilty as hell… just sayin’

Hehehe, gæt hvem der tisser i sengen i nat :-)

Deer butt face taxidermy

Læsninger af Vælg-dit-eget-eventyr bøger

"Flipping to the page before brings you to 101, where you discover that your curiosity has been rewarded. You have found the planet, not by following the constraints of the system, but by going outside of them – a fitting moral to the story and an encouraging reminder that any game should be a starting point for the imagination, not the end."

onsdag den 11. november 2009

Formand Mao's barnebarn hedder Dongdong!


A zonkey (also known as zebrass, zebronkey, zeass, zeedonk, zedonk, zebadonk, zenkey, donbra, donbri, donkra, zebrinny, clive, zebrula, debra) is a cross between a zebra and a donkey.


A zorse or zebroid, specifically the offspring of a zebra stallion and a horse mare. The rarer reverse pairing is sometimes called a horbra (or hebra). Like most other hybrids, the zorse is sterile.

Postcards of the Past - Index and Home Page

This is a collection of over 6200 old postcards, with more than 450 pages.

Play This Thing! | Game Reviews | Free Games | Independent Games | Game Culture

Play This Thing! | Game Reviews | Free Games | Independent Games | Game Culture

mandag den 9. november 2009

Hitler var fodboldtræner

"One in 20 schoolchildren think the Fuhrer was a sportsman, while one in six youngsters said they thought Auschwitz was a Second World War theme park."

søndag den 8. november 2009

Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Character Alignment

Why can't I own a Canadian?

"To highlight the many disturbing questions Google frequently pulls up answers to, we've picked our favourite Google suggestions. Because we're awesome, we've provided no-nonsense answers for the benefit of the hard-of-thinking who look for them.",39029471,49304156,00.htm

lørdag den 7. november 2009

List of cats with fraudulent diplomas

Merlin P. Manns Rollespilsarkæologiske Fond

"Sommeren 2003 kunne jeg fejre 20 års jubilæum i det danske rollespilsmiljø. Det hele startede i sommeren 1983, hvor jeg var 11 år gammel og allernådigst fik lov til at overvære nogle store drenge (bla. Paul Hartvigson) spille AD&D en hel aften. Jeg var solgt. Jeg forestillede mig ikke, at man kunne købe den slags spil i Danmark, så jeg brugte hvad jeg kunne huske fra aftenens spil til at sammenflikke mit rollespilssystem, og så gik det slag i slag. Men det er altsammen historie nu... og det har jeg tænkt mig at gøre noget ved."

onsdag den 4. november 2009


  • 2009 – Taisto Miettinen (Finland) and Kristiina Haapanen (Finland).
  • 2008 – Alar Voogla (Estonia) and Kirsti Viltrop (Estonia).
  • 2007 – Madis Uusorg (Estonia) and Inga Klauso (Estonia).
  • 2006 – Margo Uusorg (Estonia) and Sandra Kullas (Estonia) time 56.9 seconds.
  • 2005 – Margo Uusorg (Estonia) and Egle Soll (Estonia).
  • 2004 – Madis Uusorg (Estonia) and Inga Klauso (Estonia) time one minute and 05.3 seconds.
  • 2003 – Margo Uusorg (Estonia) and Egle Soll (Estonia) time one minute 0.7 seconds.
  • 2002 – Meelis Tammre (Estonia) and Anne Zillberberg (Estonia) time one minute and 3.8 seconds.
  • 2001 – Margo Uusorg (Estonia) and Birgit Ullrich (Estonia) time 55.6 seconds.
  • 2000 – Margo Uusorg (Estonia) and Birgit Ullrich (Estonia) time 55.5 seconds. (World record)
  • 1999 – Imre Ambos (Estonia) and Annela Ojaste (Estonia) time one minute and 4.5 seconds.
  • 1998 – Imre Ambos (Estonia) and Annela Ojaste (Estonia) time one minute and 9.2 seconds.
  • 1997 – Jouni Jussila (Finland) and Tiina Jussila (Finland) time one minute and five seconds.

Glasperlespillet ...

... yeah right. Det her er ikke den bog jeg læste som 22-årig. Hippiesvin.

mandag den 2. november 2009

Bank Notes: a collection of Bank Robbery Notes

Darth Vader and the Death Star on Flickr

"Great shot kid! One i a million!"

Kronologien er helt forkert, og jeg fandt den via
