Masser af links i ingen synderlig orden

mandag den 31. marts 2008


I found these in a red photo album marked "Darlene" at a swap meet in
Huntington Beach, California. I didn't know these photos were in there
until I got in the car and really looked at the photos. Then I was like,
"Whoa! People doing drugs."


tirsdag den 25. marts 2008

Se alle afsnit af Southpark - gratis og legalt!

"Every South Park episode and billions of clips have been online for
years on YouTube <> or BitTorrent
<> (...) we've always loved the fact that more
people in more places could see our little show. The new website just
makes it easier for people to see and share South Park.

Eventually every episode and clip will be available everywhere in the
world. There is a tangle of contracts that Comedy Central has with
different cable companies and territories that are preventing us from
that right now. But hopefully it won't be long.

Basically, we just got really sick of having to download our own show
illegally all the time. So we gave ourselves a legal alternative."

Se filmene på


Virkeligheden vs. dåsen

100 produkte im vergleich zu ihren werbefotos. alle produkte wurden
eingekauft, die verpackungen fotografiert, die produktfotos vergrößert,
die produkte nach verpackungsvorgabe zubereitet und zum vergleich
fotografiert. alle produkte befanden sich innerhalb des
haltbarkeitsdatums. alle produkte wurden aufgegessen. alle fotografien
sind jederzeit wiederholbar.

Robert Crumb on Collecting

"Picking up chicks? Forget it! It never gets them hot, they don't give a
shit about collectors. I wouldn't say that collectors are antisocial -
that would imply that they want to do something harmful to society - but
it's not very sociable either. Very self-obsessed, kind of asocial.
That's why the world looks down on collectors, it takes a certain kind
of personality. There is nothing sexy or glamorous about it. Women
aren't attracted to people because they collect. You can go up to them
and say, 'I'm an outlaw bandit' and they'll like that. But if you say,
'I'm a collector' - no chance."

lørdag den 22. marts 2008

Rise of the footsoldier

Har lige set filmen. Googlede lidt. Fandt de her billeder fra den
virkelige "crime scene" sidst i filmen:

Klamt. Ikke for sarte. Sporene fra deres livsstil ses i øvrigt ret

mandag den 10. marts 2008


Det her var den første konsol jeg nogensinde spillede på.

Den lykkelige ejer hed Allan og havde en far, der var grønthandler i østbyen. Allan var en stor idiot. Men han havde en konsol, og så boede han i naboopgangen.

Jeg var kun 8 år.

søndag den 9. marts 2008

& Teller - sådan overlever en magiker et udbrud af zombiism

"You remember Dawn Of The Dead? Did you ever wonder how that horrifying turn of events would effect Las Vegas? What about specifically Teller, of Penn and Teller? Well wonder no longer, the silent partner is here to tell the sad, sad tale."

torsdag den 6. marts 2008

tirsdag den 4. marts 2008

Whorelore: Swords, Sorcery, and Sex

"Village Voice interviews porn producer Dez, who says he got bored of
making gonzo porn and applied his talents toward making porn based on
World of Warcraft. He calls the Web-based video series Whorelore:
Swords, Sorcery, and Sex.",ruberg,347182,24.html


lørdag den 1. marts 2008