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søndag den 10. juli 2011

Ansible History

Ansible History: "Ansible has been published since 1979 (with one long gap) by David Langford, 94 London Road, Reading, Berkshire, England, RG1 5AU. It first appeared at Seacon '79, the World SF Convention held in Brighton, England, in August 1979. The launch of Ansible resulted from the demise of Peter Roberts's celebrated Checkpoint, which had covered British sf/fan news since 1971 and published its 100th and last issue in September 1979. This first series of Ansible followed Checkpoint's multi-page UK quarto format -- 10' x 8', duplicated (later, partly or wholly lithographed) -- until issue 50 at the next British worldcon, Conspiracy in August 1987. In that year it won its first Hugo award for best fanzine."

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