Ipsitilla: "So I offer here the wreckage left from my official career as aphilologist, now happily purged of the
scholarly apparatus
that sat on thebody of my work about as handsomely and helpfully as a hernia truss on astatue of Apollo. No loss: that material was only intelligible to the sort of people who no longer have a claim to my consideration."
lørdag den 30. juli 2011
Indsendt af
IMPORTANT: Cowboys & Aliens has an Apache extra named ‘Freddy Apache’
IMPORTANT: Cowboys & Aliens has an Apache extra named ‘Freddy Apache’: "BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: There is an Apache extra in Cowboys and Aliens whose name is “Freddy Apache.” Freddy Apache, the Apache, who plays an Apache. Really, it makes a lot of sense when you think about it."
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fredag den 29. juli 2011
Haters Gonna Hate: Pop Culture Edition
Haters Gonna Hate: Pop Culture Edition: "Memes come and go and only a chosen few have any semblance of staying power. Since it's inception (somewhere in 2009, Leo pun intended) 'Haters Gonna Hate' and the strutting fat kid GIF have never failed to brighten my day. There's just something about strutting like you own the place to the chagrin of haters that always rubs me just the right way. Without the meme I doubt I would have had the courage to wear a bolo tie to my high school reunion. Haters were hating that day, my friend. They were hating indeed."
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Frotcast 58: Songs of Summer, Search for the Worst Trailer, Cowboys & Aliens
Frotcast 58: Songs of Summer, Search for the Worst Trailer, Cowboys & Aliens
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mandag den 25. juli 2011
Mario's Enemies, Horror Style - Joystick Division
Mario's Enemies, Horror Style - Joystick Division: "Illustrator Mike Puncekar has been working on, amongst other things, a series of images that re-imagines some of gaming's most recognizable villains as, well, more villainous. The series takes some of Nintendo's classic enemy characters and transforms them into much creepier, weirder and grosser versions."
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Remembering the Good Ole' Days of Gaming - Joystick Division
Remembering the Good Ole' Days of Gaming - Joystick Division: "One day I received a demo disc in the mail from PlayStation Underground, a secret club of elite gamers, exclusive to only those willing to put forth the immense time and effort necessary to fill out a postcard and mail it in. On this disc was a demo for a game called Ore no Ryouri, and it was from Japan, folks. Japan!"
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So I was reading this strategy guide... - Joystick Division
So I was reading this strategy guide... - Joystick Division: "I point this out because it helps to understand the downright weirdness of how the strategy guide presents information. Both X-Wing (1993) and TIE Fighter (1994) came with novelized manuals: The Farlander Papers and The Stele Chronicles, respectively. They were published as LucasFilm was ramping up the Star Wars machine. Heir to the Empire, the first novel set after the events of Return of the Jedi, had been a great success when it was published in 1991. People were eating up any new Star Wars adventures, so instead of listing controls and instructions, these manuals told a story that just happened to have a lot of specific control detail."
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søndag den 24. juli 2011
The Collapsed - horror/thriller
In the wake of the end of the world, a family of four desperately
tries to survive. Their goal: escaping the city and traveling to the
rural community they once called home.
The constant threat of a violent death forcing them to stay as far
away from civilization as possible, they take to the forest, soon to
discover the danger posed by other survivors may be the least of their
Will they survive? A dark and unpredictable horror/thriller.
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Connected - short film
Connected - short film: "Set in the distant future, Connected is a story about survival and greed with a post apocalyptic wasteland as its backdrop. Survivors of an unknown disaster shuffle through a desolate landscape, as it quickly becomes clear that not everybody has the strength to survive."
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20 Apocalyptic Photoshop Tutorials | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content
20 Apocalyptic Photoshop Tutorials | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content: "Today is Friday 13th so according to some of us, on this day there’s the highest probability that something bad will happen. Who knows, maybe a nuclear explosion or a deadly asteroid will crash into our lovely planet? Or what about zombies or a lethal virus? If you are asking me, I think the only thing that will happen today is this: the beginning of the weekend and a cold beer at home. If you are a pessimistic person or if you are really afraid of the number 13, don’t panic if nothing wrong happens. You can recreate an apocalyptic scenario safely on your computer using these awesome tutorials. Enjoy."
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Vær beredt!
CDC EPR | Social Media | Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse - Blog: "There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency."
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Se Matrix filmen Kaydara gratis! « Apokalyptisk
Se Matrix filmen Kaydara gratis! « Apokalyptisk: "“Kaydara, a bounty hunter who is living separately from the Human Resistance Group, does not believe in the prophecy of ‘the One.’ He sees this so-called saviour as a threat to the awakening of Man’s self-awareness and considers him an enemy. If their paths cross, Kaydara will not hesitate to confront him.“"
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Zombie apokalypsen starter i Sverige med “Zone 261″ « Apokalyptisk
Zombie apokalypsen starter i Sverige med “Zone 261″ « Apokalyptisk: "Filmen foregår i fremtidens Sverige og tager udgangspunkt i et byen Landskrona (hvilket jo er tæt på Danmark må man sige!). Indtil videre har teamet bag færdigjort en 5 min lang kortfilm som kan ses online, men en fuld længde film forventes at kunne ses i biograferne engang i 2012."
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Zombie apokalypsen starter i Sverige med “Zone 261″ « Apokalyptisk
Zombie apokalypsen starter i Sverige med “Zone 261″ « Apokalyptisk: "Filmen foregår i fremtidens Sverige og tager udgangspunkt i et byen Landskrona (hvilket jo er tæt på Danmark må man sige!). Indtil videre har teamet bag færdigjort en 5 min lang kortfilm som kan ses online, men en fuld længde film forventes at kunne ses i biograferne engang i 2012."
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Science Fiction Cirklen - Forside
Science Fiction Cirklen - Forside: "Science Fiction Cirklen er Danmarks ældste og største forening, som beskæftiger sig med hele science fiction genren."
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The Internet Speculative Fiction Database
The Internet Speculative Fiction Database: "The ISFDB is a community effort to catalog works of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. It links together various types of bibliographic data: author bibliographies, publication bibliographies, award listings, magazine content listings, anthology and collection content listings, and forthcoming books."
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lørdag den 23. juli 2011
Pernach Mace and Wheellock Pistol - UGO.com
Pernach Mace and Wheellock Pistol - UGO.com: "These For-Real Guns Will Kill You, Literally and With Awesomeness"
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mandag den 18. juli 2011
billboard liberation front@Everything2.com
billboard liberation front@Everything2.com: "The Billboard Liberation Front, or BLF, has been practicing truth in advertising since 1977. Their mission is simple: To alter outdoor advertising (billboards) in order to make it more truthfull, funny, or just to ignite the phenomenologist in all of us."
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Ironic hipsters@Everything2.com
Ironic hipsters@Everything2.com: "The ironic hipster is like the traditional hipster in that he thinks of himself as being above mass consumerism and prefabrication; also, he is keenly aware of both current pop culture and that of the past. By contrast, he adopts certain prefab objects (objects meaning any music, movie, slang, decorative item, fashion, etc.) from eras and lifestyles completely outside his own in order to rebel against both the commercial hegemony and the traditional hipster hegemony. Anything the traditional hipster abhors and considers ridiculous, the ironic hipster appears to enjoy; ironic hipsters love kitsch whereas previous generations were defined by their distaste for it. In fact, the farther removed a given object is from current modes of traditional hipsterness, the more enthusiastic an ironic hipster will be. The act of briefly proclaiming fanaticism for certain kitsch is the most important facet of ironic hipsterness. For the kitsch to work in an ironic way, one's devotion, feigned or otherwise, must be visible to others as a signifier (much in the same way that traditional hipsters wear pins or T-shirts advertising knowledge of the esoteric). It is altogether useless to listen to an ironic band on headphones and never get excited about it in public. A traditional hipster may enjoy commercial kitsch, but he would hide his enjoyment rather than brashly assert it; this is the primary difference between the two."
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søndag den 17. juli 2011
impractical jokes@Everything2.com
impractical jokes@Everything2.com: "An impractical joke is a practical joke that is, well, impractical, not easy, would have severe consequences, or generally a prank you'd like to perform but can't. These may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
Putting mass quantities of LSD in the Washington, DC water supply (or, alternatively, in the soup)
Stealing someone's steering wheel
Dyeing your town's river green
Putting a kick me sticker on the President's back
Changing the gravitational constant so your roommate falls when he/she gets out of bed in the morning
Unleashing millions of flying cats upon your city
Teleporting in and out of convenience stores to upset and confuse the clerks
The list goes on. You get the point."
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Reminisce on your old toys!
Reminisce on your old toys!: "Seem to remember we had a thread like this before, so here we go! Back home at my mums for the weekend clearing through the loft and old cupboards. Of course this unearths all my kept toys! So decided to take some pics of little Luckett's journey of toys! I definitely remember my first big favourite cartoon beyond baby stuff (Thomas the Tank Engine) was Ghostbusters. So I guess thats when 'I HAVE TO HAVE THIS...AND THAT...' brattyness began because I have the two big main things!"
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The 8 Most Absoludicrous Examples of Mr. T Merchandise - Topless Robot
The 8 Most Absoludicrous Examples of Mr. T Merchandise - Topless Robot: "There's a certain class of people one might call 'professional celebrities'. They have none of the traits one generally associates with being famous: They can't really act or sing or dance, they're not professional athletes, yet for some reason they capture the imaginations of the public. Now, usually this title is reserved for useless, talentless, oversexed and over sexualized socialites and heiresses like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian. But sometimes, magic happens. And a young man named Laurence Tureaud is born in the worst housing project in Chicago, makes it to college on a football scholarship, is sidelined by a knee injury, becomes a bouncer and bodyguard to the stars, and eventually steps into the limelight as the immortal phenomenon known throughout the civilized universe as Mr. T."
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fredag den 15. juli 2011
Awesome Games Made By One Person - PC Feature at IGN
Awesome Games Made By One Person - PC Feature at IGN: "Creating a game is an extremely complex and time-consuming task. In the early days of the gaming industry, individual developers created a lot of classic titles that we all know and love like Tetris, Prince of Persia, Pitfall, and more. Believe it or not, games like that still exist. We sorted through the jumbled library of available titles out there today, and we've come up with a list of awesome games made entirely by a single person that you can play this very moment for free or a small fee."
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torsdag den 14. juli 2011
A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales by Jonathan Nield - Project Gutenberg
A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales by Jonathan Nield - Project Gutenberg
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onsdag den 13. juli 2011
International Head Games: Turning Sweden Against the Soviets
mental_floss Blog » International Head Games: Turning Sweden Against the Soviets: "With the scene set, American and British intelligence quickly moved to exploit the opening provided by Soviet bungling with a series of “false flag” missions, in the form of submarine intrusions, which the Swedes also blamed on the Soviet Union. According to Ola Tunander’s book The Secret War Against Sweden, the intrusions were designed to create the appearance of escalating Soviet infringement of Swedish neutrality — when in fact it was American and British submarines all along. And it worked like a charm."
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The Nazi Sex Doll Initiative
mental_floss Blog » The Nazi Sex Doll Initiative: "According to Mussolini’s Barber, a new book by Graeme Donald documenting bizarre episodes from military history, the Nazi sex doll project was launched in response to concerns that German soldiers might contract venereal diseases from prostitutes and loose women while occupying foreign countries and, uh, doing the Nazi nasty. In 1940 Heinrich Himmler, boss of the elite-and-terrifying S.S., got the go-ahead from Hitler for the “Borghild Project” to create a not-quite-life-size “gynoid” doll to provide German soldiers with inanimate company on those long occupation nights."
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Rodney King Got Arrested Again, Oh Good - The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
Rodney King Got Arrested Again, Oh Good - The Superficial - Because You're Ugly: "This had to be the most delicate arrest in the history of law enforcement. They probably took him to a five-star hotel just to break the news to him.
COP: How’s that filet, Rodney? I told them how you like it.
RODNEY: It’s good, man, real good.
COP: Perfect, perfect. Listen, the reason we brought you here – champagne? – is we’re gonna have to arrest you for DUI, champ.
RODNEY: Oh, shit, for real?
COP: For real, dawg. I hate to do this, but we’ll wait until you’re done with your mousse. It’s absolutely exquisite here.
RODNEY: Can I work the siren and hold your gun?
COP: Eh, why not? Ya little scamp. *tussles hair* Haha, it’s bristly."
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Russian hairdresser captures robber, keeps him as sex slave for three days
Russian hairdresser captures robber, keeps him as sex slave for three days: "The would-be robber was eventually released, with Zajak [sic] saying he had learned his lesson.
Jasinski went straight to the police and told them of his back-room ordeal, saying that he had been held hostage, handcuffed naked to a radiator, and fed nothing but Viagra."
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Used Bikes | Classic Cycle Bainbridge Island Kitsap County
Used Bikes | Classic Cycle Bainbridge Island Kitsap County: "54cm classic Eddy Merckx for sale. New condition. A beautiful bike for sunny weekend afternoons. Anyone buying this bike for a “fixie conversion” will be shot. $1500"
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List of missing treasure
List of missing treasure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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La chouette d'or
La chouette d'or - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Many people have attempted to solve the clues. One attempt apparently came very close, as Valentin noticed when checking the owl that nearby ground had been disturbed. Valentin received a great volume of correspondence regarding the puzzle, and has said that Dr. Gay, an immunologist and prolific treasure hunter, has come closest.
The owl has inevitable attracted more desperate attempts, and Valentin was the subject of much nuisance and malicious correspondence. One notable incident involved a treasure hunter bombing a chapel in the mistaken belief that the sculpture was buried underneath it."
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tirsdag den 12. juli 2011
mandag den 11. juli 2011
Sidewise Awards for Alternate History
Sidewise Awards for Alternate History: "The judges for the Sidewise Awards for Alternate History are pleased to announce the short list of finalists for the 2010 Sidewise Awards. The winners will be announced at Renovation, the 69th Annual World Science Fiction Convention the weekend of August 17-21, 2011, in Reno, Nevada."
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søndag den 10. juli 2011
Brooklyn Kids in the Summer of 1974
Brooklyn Kids in the Summer of 1974: "These classic photographs of Brooklyn and it’s youth capture the raw, gritty nature of the famous New York burough perfectly. Each spontanious image was taken by self-taught photographer and filmmaker Danny Lyon in the hot summer of 1974. We’ve included his original captions with each of his captivating captures. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to catch up with these kids today and hear their life stories?"
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Uchronia: The Alternate History List
Uchronia: The Alternate History List: "Uchronia: The Alternate History List is a bibliography of 3100 novels, stories, essays and other printed material involving the 'what ifs' of history.
The genre has a variety of names, but it is best known as alternate history. In an alternate history, one or more past events are changed and the subsequent effects on history somehow described. This description may comprise the entire plotline of a novel, or it may just provide a brief background to a short story. Perhaps the most common themes in alternate history are 'What if the Nazis won World War II?' and 'What if the Confederacy won the American Civil War?' For more about alternate history and this bibliography, please read the extended introduction."
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Wonders and Marvels
About: "Wonders & Marvels is now a place for specialists and non-specialists to revel in the stories of the past. It is provides learning opportunities for the college students who are involved on a daily basis in building the site. Working closely with Professor Tucker, student interns have a chance to interact with scholars and other experienced authors, as well as with publicists and editors at the major publishing houses."
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Sci-fi illustrations by Shigeru Komatsuzaki ~ Pink Tentacle
Sci-fi illustrations by Shigeru Komatsuzaki ~ Pink Tentacle
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Visco - The Visual Catalogue of Science Fiction Cover Art
Visco - The Visual Catalogue of Science Fiction Cover Art: "The Visual Index of Science Fiction Cover art"
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Retro-Futurismus: "Diese Website soll dazu beitragen, das in Vergessenheit geratene Werk dieser Künstler wiederzuentdecken. Auch wenn wir heute mit kritischerem Blick auf ihre kühnen Technik- und Zukunftsvisionen blicken, zieht uns die Kraft dieser Bilder noch immer in ihren Bann."
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Space Art in Children's books 1950's to 1970's
Space Art in Children's books 1950's to 1970's: "With the discoveries by Robert Goddard and Hermann Oberth of liquid-fueled rockets in the 1930's and the use of V-2 rockets in the 1940's, rocket travel went from science fiction to science fact in the public's mind. In post-World War II America anything seemed possible, even going to the Moon! There appeared in 1949, a book The Conquest of Space , which led to a new trend in children's books. These books outlined the future the children of the 'baby boom' would grow up in, the world of space (example). The illustrations in these books show facts (as they were known) mixed in with the fantasy of space flight and led many of the readers of these books to 'dream of space'."
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Astounding Science Fiction BRE
Astounding Science Fiction BRE: "The British Reprint Edition [BRE] of Astounding Science Fiction was published by ATLAS PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD. from 1939 through to 1963.
The BRE content was always a truncated edition of the US original. During the 1940's and early 50's many stories were omitted, Book Reviews and Letters were subject to ruthless pruning, interior art disappeared. Much of this was due to the wartime and post war paper restrictions. Until the end of 1953 the publishers maintained a pulp format. Later editions were digest size and almost full reprints of the US editions running approx. three months behind the original issues.
However, there is one mystery with regard to these BRE's [and indeed all Atlas reprints of American pulps] - the covers were repainted copies of the original. Some were faithful copies, but many were inferior. Despite this, the artwork was always credited to the artist of the original US edition.
This site is designed to show the front cover images of all editions side by side."
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Ansible History
Ansible History: "Ansible has been published since 1979 (with one long gap) by David Langford, 94 London Road, Reading, Berkshire, England, RG1 5AU. It first appeared at Seacon '79, the World SF Convention held in Brighton, England, in August 1979. The launch of Ansible resulted from the demise of Peter Roberts's celebrated Checkpoint, which had covered British sf/fan news since 1971 and published its 100th and last issue in September 1979. This first series of Ansible followed Checkpoint's multi-page UK quarto format -- 10' x 8', duplicated (later, partly or wholly lithographed) -- until issue 50 at the next British worldcon, Conspiracy in August 1987. In that year it won its first Hugo award for best fanzine."
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SFE: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction
SFE: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: "The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction is an unparalleled reference work of unrivalled authority. First published in 1979, and revised in 1993, the forthcoming online third edition will provide coverage of:
TV series
Themes in sf
Manga and anime
...and much more."
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Paleofuture - Paleofuture Blog - paleofuture.tv [apocalypse]
Paleofuture - Paleofuture Blog - paleofuture.tv [apocalypse]: "The shiny happy futurism of the 1950s gave way to much darker predictions for humanity in the 1970s. With energy crises, fears of terrorism and skyrocketing unemployment, it's really no wonder that Americans of the 1970s were often pessimistic about the future.
Out of this dread, the apocsploitation film was born.
Movies like Future Shock and The Late Great Planet Earth served up apocalyptic visions of the American future, both secular and religious. The second episode of paleofuture.tv looks at the doomsday documentary films of this era, which strangely enough all seemed to be hosted by Orson Welles. The production values in this episode still leave much to be desired, but I hope you enjoy it!"
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Peter Cook performs "Bedazzled" - in STEREO!!! (rare) - HQ
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lørdag den 9. juli 2011
BANANA MOTHERFUCKER! - GorillaMask.net Media file - Yeah, you heard me.
Denne oversigt er ikke tilgængelig. Klik her for at se indlægget.
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Steven Seagal taught Anderson Silva the front kick
Steven Seagal taught Anderson Silva the front kick: "My favorite thing about Steven Seagal, aside from his unique physiological reaction to arousal (ALLEGEDLY), is the absolute conviction with which he undertakes every task. Put a harmonica in front of Steven Seagal’s face, and Steven Segal believes with every fibre of Steven Seagal’s being that Steven Seagal is a famous blues musician. Teach him a few words of Jamaican patois? Guess what, he’s Jamaican now."
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Steven Seagal in Kazakhstan, plus, pics from Kazakh Fashion Week
Steven Seagal in Kazakhstan, plus, pics from Kazakh Fashion Week: "As we learned from his recent open letter to Vladimir Putin asking for the Russian Prime Minister to support immortality research, Steven Seagal is a great friend to the Russian people, and even 'considers himself Russian,' despite being an Irish Jew from Fullerton who wears kimonos. Seagal was recently in neighboring Astana, Kazakhstan to attend a star-studded International Action Film Festival whose other luminaries included poetry superstar Michael Madsen. During the press conference, Seagal brought up his idea for a Genghis Khan epic, which he's apparently been talking about since 1998. In fairness, if there's one thing we know about Steven Seagal, it's that he doesn't keep track of space and time too well. Here's my favorite badly-translated account of the event:"
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5 Best Augmented Reality Games for Android
5 Best Augmented Reality Games for Android: "The Mega List of 33 Awesome Augmented Reality Apps & Games for"
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fredag den 8. juli 2011
torsdag den 7. juli 2011
nerdbastards.com | Top 10 Most Influential Nerds in Comics
nerdbastards.com | Top 10 Most Influential Nerds in Comics: "Comics are a wellspring of nerd power. Nearly all of us, whether our true love is film, TV or Dungeons and Dragons, still get into comics now and then, and for a lot of us comics are the bread and butter of the nerd world. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a moment to look at the present state of American comics and try to identify the major players, the movers and the shakers, the ones who got us here and the ones who will take us further. Keep in mind as you read that we’re not trying to name the best or the coolest, but the most influential. This is about who’s got their hands in the action, OK? It’s also about who’s alive, so don’t crying foul because we didn’t put Kirby or Eisner on the list. Click the jump to read on, and if you see someone we missed, start your own list in the comments section."
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onsdag den 6. juli 2011
tirsdag den 5. juli 2011
Anti-PowerPoint Party - Boing Boing
Anti-PowerPoint Party - Boing Boing: "The Swiss Anti-PowerPoint Party has been founded to ban the use of PowerPoint: 'According to the APPP, the use of presentation software costs the Swiss economy 2.1 billion Swiss francs (US$2.5 billion) annually, while across the whole of Europe, presentation software causes an economic loss of €110 billion (US$160 billion). APPP bases its calculations on unverified assumptions about the number of employees attending presentations each week, and supposes that 85 percent of those employees see no purpose in the presentations.' The party's founder has -- not coincidentally -- written a book about PowerPoint's evils (he recommends flip-charts instead). (via /.)"
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søndag den 3. juli 2011
lørdag den 2. juli 2011
New Game Shows Players The Lives Of The Homeless - Joystick Division
New Game Shows Players The Lives Of The Homeless - Joystick Division: "But what would it be like to live like a homeless person? Before games, there was Ted Conover's book--Rolling Nowhere: Riding The Rails With America's Hoboes--about living life as a hobo. Today, we have the online game, SPENT."
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fredag den 1. juli 2011
- Ipsitilla
- nisha sondhe | One Life Photos 2011
- What do you love?
- IMPORTANT: Cowboys & Aliens has an Apache extra na...
- Haters Gonna Hate: Pop Culture Edition
- Yes yes yes!!!
- Frotcast 58: Songs of Summer, Search for the Worst...
- 40 Color Photos Of Wales In The Victorian Era: Pic...
- Mario's Enemies, Horror Style - Joystick Division
- Remembering the Good Ole' Days of Gaming - Joystic...
- So I was reading this strategy guide... - Joystick...
- The Collapsed - horror/thriller
- Another World The Movie
- Connected - short film
- 20 Apocalyptic Photoshop Tutorials | Top Design Ma...
- Vær beredt!
- Lady Wasteland - A Post Apocalytpic Webisode Series.
- Se Matrix filmen Kaydara gratis! « Apokalyptisk
- Zombie apokalypsen starter i Sverige med “Zone 261...
- Zombie apokalypsen starter i Sverige med “Zone 261...
- Zombier
- Wiki communities for everyone! -- Wikia.com
- Science Fiction Cirklen - Forside
- Bend Over - like the pansy elf you are..
- The Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Pernach Mace and Wheellock Pistol - UGO.com
- billboard liberation front@Everything2.com
- Ironic hipsters@Everything2.com
- Hess Is More - Yes Boss
- impractical jokes@Everything2.com
- Reminisce on your old toys!
- The 8 Most Absoludicrous Examples of Mr. T Merchan...
- A Geek's Journal-1976
- Awesome Games Made By One Person - PC Feature at IGN
- A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales by...
- International Head Games: Turning Sweden Against t...
- The Nazi Sex Doll Initiative
- Rodney King Got Arrested Again, Oh Good - The Supe...
- Russian hairdresser captures robber, keeps him as ...
- Used Bikes | Classic Cycle Bainbridge Island Kitsa...
- Inside Haitian Vodou - Photo Gallery - LIFE
- List of missing treasure
- La chouette d'or
- HELLO- Harry Potter Book of Mormon Parody
- 13
- Black and WTF
- Sidewise Awards for Alternate History
- 10 Ridiculous Earth & Moon Theories People Believe
- Brooklyn Kids in the Summer of 1974
- Uchronia: The Alternate History List
- Ed Valigursky Art
- scienceillustration.mypage.ru
- The Hidden World Of Star Wars Stormtroopers | Crac...
- Polaroids from the 1970s through the 1990s (250 Pi...
- 25 Abandoned Yugoslavia Monuments that look like t...
- Wonders and Marvels
- Sci-fi illustrations by Shigeru Komatsuzaki ~ Pink...
- Sci-fi illustrations by Shigeru Komatsuzaki ~ Pink...
- Visco - The Visual Catalogue of Science Fiction Co...
- Retro-Futurismus
- Good Show Sir - Only the worst Sci-fi/Fantasy book...
- Magazines - covers
- Space Art in Children's books 1950's to 1970's
- Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive
- Astounding Science Fiction BRE
- Ansible History
- SFE: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction
- Paleofuture - Paleofuture Blog - paleofuture.tv [a...
- Peter Cook performs "Bedazzled" - in STEREO!!! (ra...
- Weird Things Customers Say In Bookshops: Pics, Vid...
- BANANA MOTHERFUCKER! - GorillaMask.net Media file ...
- Steven Seagal taught Anderson Silva the front kick
- Jeg slår op
- Steven Seagal in Kazakhstan, plus, pics from Kazak...
- 5 Best Augmented Reality Games for Android
- 33 Awesome Augmented Reality Apps & Games for Android
- Montercrazy!!!!
- Indonesia: "Monkey Mask Show" (big photo gallery) ...
- nerdbastards.com | Top 10 Most Influential Nerds i...
- Pictogram movie posters - a set on Flickr
- Røvsvamp. Og hvad man gør ved det.
- Balladeskolen
- 10 Bat@#$% Crazy Italian Sci-Fi Flicks
- Anti-PowerPoint Party - Boing Boing
- Boxmeup
- Middle-Earth Is Now Officially Lego Earth: "Han få...
- dæh dæh dæh, død! ....
- Boba Fett walks into Mordor in Star Wars/Lord of t...
- All kinds of stickers! - a set on Flickr
- Metallica + Lou Reed - The Hitler Edition
- New Game Shows Players The Lives Of The Homeless -...
- YouTube - Apple WWDC '97 Steve JobsによるClosing Kyn...
- Wikileaks' MasterCard "priceless" ad parody