... til Jer allesammen.
Til de af Jer, der stadig tumler lidt med fortsætterne for det nye år er
her lidt inspiration:
... til Jer allesammen.
Til de af Jer, der stadig tumler lidt med fortsætterne for det nye år er
her lidt inspiration:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 16.31
"When I first started this feature over a year ago, I really wanted to
put a focus on what I considered to be a highly overlooked portion of
arcade history. These flyers, lovingly scanned and cataloged by Dan and
friends over at TAFA are something that consumers were never really
meant to see. They were meant solely for the purpose of enticing arcade
owners into purchasing the games for their respective "stores" in the
hopes of cashing in on the huge arcade trend of the 80s and 90s"
Fulde art-packs til mame kan dll - legalt - flere på nettet.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 18.03
Vi er nogle der har for meget tid :-)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 16.42
Jøsses så slemt det står til i USA. Hør de unge republikaneres lamme
undskyldninger for at sende de fattige i krig. Og nyd episoden, hvor en
af dem får stemplet "officially not gay"!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.00
Trashet tegneseriekunst. Har blandt andet lavet cover til Guns'n Roses -
Appetite for destruction.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 08.14
Entusiastiske anmeldelser på Amazon:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 00.18
Every year since 1992 I've presented UNSILENT NIGHT, an outdoor ambient
music piece for an infinite number of boomboxes. It's like a Christmas
caroling party except that we don't sing, but rather carry the music,
each of us playing a separate track that is a "voice" in the piece. In
effect, we become a city-block-long sound system!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 00.11
De har i hvert fald ikke plads til kærester:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 08.14
Husk det nu! Rigtige mænd tager ikke backup - de græder!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 01.17
Den her skal ses:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 13.40
360 Plans On Sticking Around for YEARS
Comment by InsomniaBob
Nominated by REDFIELD
It will use a proprietary download format, requiring not only that you maintain a fiber optic connection, but also re-buy all your media in the new, all digital, discless format.
Not only will the next gen console's LAUNCH games suck, ALL of it's games will suck. Hard. And they'll be so expensive to make, there will only be 20 of them, spaced out one every 3 months. On top of that, there will be frequent delays, and every 4th game will be either a Madden, Tony Hawk, or Need for Speed title.
The next generation console will be bigger than your television. But, because it's floating seven feet off the ground, you can attack the underside for MASSIVE DAMAGE.
The only good game on the next gen console will be Super Smash Bros Brawl. It won't be a port. That's how far the game will be pushed back. On the positive side, fighter not only include every fighting game character in history, Gordon Freeman, Megaman, the guys from Contra, the Tetris L Block, and Tron, but also every major animal mascot character (Bubsy! Blinx! Acro the Bat!), and every United States President, with an Assist Trophy each for the VPs. Lincoln fires missiles out of his hat.
The next-gen console will look exactly like a Weighted Companion Cube.
The next-gen console will be released in Japan in 2010, America in early 2011, and Australia in Dec 12, 2012, signaling the end of the Mayan calendar, and the apocalypse. When asked about the European release, Jade Raymond, the company's PR rep, told Europe it could "get fucked".
Ads for the next-generation console will be extreme. VERY extreme. Taglines include:
"Games so dark and gritty, you'll be spitting asphault!
The future is 5-D! Yeah, that's right! Suck it!
Graphics so sweet, you'll kick your mom in the HEAD.
The Next Gen Console will come in 28 differnt models. Each model will have fewer and fewer features. The 28th and final version, released on the eve on man's extinction, will resemble a Colecovision deck. Regardless of features, all models will cost $1200 and a kidney.
Forum trolls, defending the Next Gen Console, becoming increasingly rabid in the face of posters who haven't bought one yet. Eventually, they organize into a rampaging troll army, and scour the hillside, looking for those who do not 'bear the mark'. (The next gen console imprints it's legal ownder with a barcode, so that units can not be traded in to Gamestop.) Gamers who do not own the Next Gen Console will be forced to buy one. If the gamer in question cannot afford the Next Gen Console, he will be killed. And eaten.
At E3 2009, the activation sequence of the Next Gen Console will kill Regie Fils-Aime from three rooms away.Indsendt af Unknown kl. 08.15
Jøsses, hvor kan man være dum. Håber at det er skuespillere ...
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.14
Guld fra 80'erne. Mig bekendt kan den her kun fås på vinyl. Den er fra albummet Fade Out.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.03
Fremtiden er nu!
"It's been an extraordinarily painful decade or so. I just never in my wildest dreams could have imagined that it could get as fucked up as this guy [George Bush]. It still amazes me how dumb so much of our species can manage to be. But that's kind of like being amazed at life."
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.41
"Larry Lessig gets TEDsters to their feet,
whooping and whistling, following this elegant presentation of "three
stories and an argument." The Net's most adored lawyer brings together
John Philip Sousa, celestial copyrights, and the "ASCAP cartel" to build
a case for creative freedom. He pins down the key shortcomings of our
dusty, pre-digital intellectual property laws, and reveals how bad laws
beget bad code. Then, in an homage to cutting-edge artistry, he throws
in some of the most hilarious remixes you've ever seen."
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.20
Sad og surfede efter et godt tilbud på reb til et lille lunt vinterprojekt, da jeg efter nogle klik endte hos den her flok fetish-folk-keltere:
Tjek nogle af deres opførsler f.eks. http://www.crossroads.wild.net.au/lependu.htm og http://www.crossroads.wild.net.au/valhalla.htm
Ha, og min kone synes jeg er underlig!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.47
50 minutters præsentation og 10 minutters QA med manden selv.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.07
Jeg har lige købt end 24" skærm til min primære PC. Og min kone kan slet
ikke hold op med at snakke om, hvor meget min "hobby" fylder.
Hun er heldig. Jeg kunne have været lige så slem som ham her, der har
bygget en Boing 767 simulator i sit hjem:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 15.22
Sej og nem tagbrowser til flickr:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 15.09
Opdagede et par fejl (tror jeg nok), men ellers ok oversigt til en
makaber lørdag aften. Slår hit med sangen til hver en tid.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 01.16
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.54
Flickr pool med kiksede skilte:
Som slideshow:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 15.12
... hvis du da kender den (ellers så hold øje, den kommer). Her er Peter
Kiils seje hjemmeside!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.45
Fantastisk tysk trashkunstner. Enjoy ... det gjorde jeg ;-)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.42
*Lemon is all about Commodore 64!*
This is your one stop site with anything about everything regarding the
popular Commodore 64 computer.
Here you will find details for thousands of classic games, plus a lot of
rare games not available anywhere else on the net. We let our users
comment and rate the games!
Visit the friendly forum </forum/>, where you can talk about C64 games
and memories. The forum is also neat if you need help and advice for
anything C64 related.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.40
Jeg har kæmpet mod nogle af dem, dengang jeg stadig havde tid til at
spille rollespil.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 08.23
Prøv og se om du kan komme til niveau 4. Det er sværere end du tror:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.33
Endnu en grund til ikke at se TV. På nettet kan man få alle lavpunkterne uden reklameblokke ;-)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.03
*WWYS® has been formed by a consortium of international companies -
including leading financial and genetic research institutions - to
create a product that gives you an actual CASH VALUE <quote.php> for
your soul.*
*You can receive a guaranteed CASH SUM for life, in exchange for an
agreement that entitles WWYS® the rights to your soul from now until all
*Find out the current value of your soul - click here <quote.php> now
for a free, no obligation quotation.*
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.46
... digtet er det hele værd, men giver resten mening?
Det var On the Idle Hill of Summer.
Kan huske jeg så en del af BBC's gamle dokumentar fra 1964 om "Den Store
Krig" (= den 1.) og 1. afsnit hed faktisk On the Idle Hill of Summer
(http://www.stephen-stratford.co.uk/the_great_war.htm). Hmm, det betyder
ikke at gutten (der iøvrigt var en "klassiker" som mig selv, se:
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~martinh/poems/housman.html) hører til
blandt the Lost Generation eller "Generationen der snublede i starten"
som Høffding - tror jeg det var - døbte den danske parallel, der altså
ikke døde i skyttegravene (som vi læser det i Jacob Paludans Jørgen
Stein (undtagen selvfølgelig sønderjyderne, der var med om de ville det
eller ej)) . Hvilket får mig til at tænke - har du forresten nogensinde
læst Stefan Zweig's "Verden af i går"? Om bruddet mellem den "gamle
verden" og den nye moderne tidsalder i augustdagene 1914? Fantastisk,
men du humanist og er en dannet én af slagsen oveni, så det har du
Minder, minder .. fra dengang jeg faktisk læste bøger og ikke bare slog
op i manualer som nu ;-)
Anyway Keat har en lignende formulering i det her digt (m. medfølgende
essay : http://www.soloved.org/eng/Ode_on_Indolence.htm)... indolent,
sikke et ord. Det passer lige på min ungdoms somre og en del af
perioderne imellem.
Og med disse grammatikalske histofaktiske breakbeats af vejen er der kun
et at sige. Her er det, værsgo´
On the Idle Hill of Summer
a poem by A. E. Housman
On the idle hill of summer,
Sleepy with the flow of streams,
Far I hear the steady drummer
Drumming like a noise in dreams.
Far and near and low and louder
On the roads of earth go by,
Dear to friends and food for powder,
Soldiers marching, all to die.
East and west on fields forgotten
Bleach the bones of comrades slain,
Lovely lads and dead and rotten;
None that go return again.
Far the calling bugles hollo,
High the screaming fife replies,
Gay the files of scarlet follow:
Woman bore me, I will rise.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.30
What I'm trying to collect here is Album cover art featuring Modular
Synthesizers, along with a few classic pictures of artists and their
modular synths. If you have any related pictures you'd like to send me,
let me know!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.27
ASCII Doom - ASCII Doom is a text mode implementation of Doom. It is
exactly what it sounds like, the classic 3D game Doom, played in textmode.
Så bliver det ikke mere retro og nørdet ...
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.23
Voksne mænd diskuterer LEGO-opbevaringsstrategier og udstyr. En kasse er
ikke bare en kasse, når du er færdig med dem her.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.21
Det bliver aldrig det samme at lege med LEGO igen ...
For hele listen se: http://drew.corrupt.net/bp/index.html
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.17
Alt inden for død og ødelæggelse. For overskuelighedens skyld opdelt i
kategorier. Enjoy!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.14
Bygger på den antagelse at boss'er heller ikke fylder papir på printeren:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 01.22
LOL. Sån ser det ud, når man man laver en fonetisk transkription af et Belgisk børneshow ...
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.27
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.20
Since the dawn of mankind, a constant battle between man and the legions
of the undead have existed, such battles, have changed the world we live
in. Many modern, accepted beliefs, can be rooted back to times of undead
outbreaks such as human burial and the later cremations, all these were
a method of keeping the dead underground and from rising.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.15
Link til en samling af billeder med fantastiske motiver. Und dig selv en
stund med Bruegel m.fl.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.14
Med den nye film om Joy DIvision på vej brunger vi lige et link med en
tribut til Ian Curtis:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.13
Som de bilkort vi spillede da vi var børn. Men her battler man på antal
udrydde politiske modstandere, antal døde af hungersnød etc. Enjoy!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.11
Tekst og billeder. Til lidt anderledes LARP, når trolde og magi ikke
rigtig tænder mere :-)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.01
Og nu undrer Jacob sig nok over, at hans side får 1 million hits ;-)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 18.23
Whatever you think of them, it seems like Google is slowly conquering
the World. But what happens when they finally claim victory, when the
company owns absolutely everything? Show us life under a Google regime...
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 18.21
Subject. Enjoy ;-)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.18
So I had to rent a Japanese porn again.
Trust me, I didn't want to. I'd learned my lesson long before Lolita
Confinement Lesbian, that movie (if you can call it such) was just icing
on the cake. I was enjoying a nice, peaceful, Japanese porn-free life,
when suddenly that tranquility was shattered with all the subtely of
sports horn-blower cans at the opera. My downfall had the same origin as
many great downfalls in history - the fall of Troy, the breakup of The
Beatles, and the biggest blemish on ex-President Clinton's legacy: a woman.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.04
Sæt den på slideshow, enjoy! Gad vide, hvor mange af dem, der egentlig
bare er show-off?
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 15.22
Den her skal bare ses - ikke nødvendigvis forstås ...
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 15.13
De ledeste trompeter, højeste hæle og nogle flipper man kan skære sig på!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 15.10
There was a time—not so long ago—when pomp and spandex dominated MTV and
pop radio playlists. American Hair Metal celebrates this orgy of
flamboyance, androgyny and animal magnetism, of big-haired alpha males
and the beautiful women who surrounded them.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 15.08
Denne oversigt er ikke tilgængelig. Klik her for at se indlægget.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 19.53
Tror pokker de er røget ind i problemer i Irak.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 19.49
This guy must have had to much free time on his hands, but feel free to
come up with more fresh ideas on how to make the day more fun :)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 19.46
Giv den til en du holder af:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 19.36
Oh! Hil dig Lalandia, dit vældige kar, min fyldte blære
det er antipodernes fest, denne berusede morgen
hvilke gyldne buer, hvilken tribut til Macdonalds, ridser jeg ikke i dit
våde sitrende skød?
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 19.30
Public reports of spreadsheet errors collated by the European
Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group <index.htm> (EuSpRIG). The stories are
added as discovered and so are not in chronological order. We try to
list only verified stories with a quantified error or documented impact.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 19.22
Alt i remixes og remakes af musik til 80'er drengeværelsets største ikon
- Commodore 64'eren
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.54
Printere, konsoller, retro-computere, eletronikskrot og smuk vokal. Og
så en retro-retro hjemmeside.
MP3 til download på: http://www.treewave.com/mp3s.html
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.34
Today I arrived on the Death Star to take command. It's incredible. It
has everything you need to take over the universe. Reactor Cores. Trash
Compactors. Prison Cells. Fighter Bays. Even a Day Care Center.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.26
When I awoke this morning in my newly repaired hyperbaric chamber (rent
asunder as it was during yesterday's tantrum) I sensed a disturbance in
the Force, followed immediately by a pain in all the diodes down my left
side. I winced. Sensing activity, the chamber's automated intelligences
swung into action, uncoupling my life support systems from the charger
and reconnecting my respirator and masque.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.23
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.54
Slår dæk-afbrænding til hver en tid ...
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 02.15
An archive of gay paperback artwork from the 50's and 60's
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 02.08
...In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the
U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica (Operation
Highjump and follow-up), but encountered heavy resistance from Nazi
'flying saucers' and had to call off the invasion. A Rear-Admiral who
was in that invasion has retired in Texas, and said he was shocked when
he read the *Fire From The Sky* material. He knew there were a lot of
aircraft and rocket shoot-downs but did not realize the situation was so
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 02.05
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 02.00
Creating a print quality comic is easy. Getting the final product
printed and sold is a bit more difficult. That's something this document
will attempt to describe.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 01.40
Website Blessing Service
Sanctify your Internet presence with a blessing from one of
Hanttula.com's Ordained Ministers & receive an authentic Certificate of
Spoon Journal Project
57 spoons collected during a 10-month period between 1996 - 1997 result
in an innovative & experimental documentary and detail of culinary
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.35
A North East writer has been given a grant of £2,000 to use sheep to
create random poems, which also utilise the deepest workings of the
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.32
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 15.32
Titlen siger det hele. Fantastiske billeder fra dengang vi endnu troede
på en fremtid:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.03
Kan huske jeg hørte den 5 timer i streg engang, da jeg var på netcafé.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.47