Masser af links i ingen synderlig orden

fredag den 31. december 2010

torsdag den 30. december 2010

“He was a great teabagger…”: Letters From The ‘Call of Duty’ Battlefield | “He was a great teabagger…”: Letters From The ‘Call of Duty’ Battlefield: "When you play Call of Duty it’s you against the world, or at the very least six other people for ten mintues at a time. After all that fighting, all that carnage, what happens to your character? Does he just sit there and play with his joystick until you go back online? Not exactly, in the case of one player he wrote letters to his “family”. Having all that time and all he does is write letters to his wife and son. He might as well have been playing with his joystick, at least he would have had more fun with that. Enjoy these letters to “Cythina and Joey” from a man who will soon be back, after he’s done doing the dishes his mom told him to do an hour ago."

Amazing “Iotacons” (or low-resolution portraits) of Movie Characters

Star Trek iotacons | Amazing “Iotacons” (or low-resolution portraits) of Movie Characters

Woody Norris invents amazing things | Video on

Woody Norris invents amazing things | Video on "Woody Norris shows off two of his inventions that treat sound in new ways, and talks about his untraditional approach to inventing and education. As he puts it: 'Almost nothing has been invented yet.' So -- what's next?"

søndag den 19. december 2010

Cube 2: Sauerbraten

Cube 2: Sauerbraten: "Cube 2: Sauerbraten is a free multiplayer/singleplayer first person shooter, built as a major redesign of the Cube FPS.
Much like the original Cube, the aim of this game is not necessarily to produce the most features & eyecandy possible, but rather to allow map/geometry editing to be done dynamically in-game, to create fun gameplay and an elegant engine.

The engine supporting the game is entirely original in code & design, and its code is Open Source (ZLIB license, read the docs for more on how you can use the engine)."

torsdag den 16. december 2010

My Swedish vibrator doesn't have Linux drivers!

A sarcastic expression used in response to complaints from other users that linux sucks or a particular bit of hardware sucks because their obscure hardware is unsupported.  "Write the drivers yourself," is usually the follow-up suggestion. They sometimes point out that there are Mr. Coffee drivers for linux, thus the whiner probably hasn't looked hard enough for drivers.

Ocean of Lard (thing)

søndag den 28. november 2010

Text Ascii Art Generator

Text Ascii Art Generator - ASCII ART - ASCII ART: "Christopher Johnson's ASCII Art Collection was revealed to the Internet in November of 1994, back when Netscape 1.0 was 'soooo much better than Mosaic' and Internet Explorer didn't exist yet. Here we are 16 years later, and if my web-server traffic statistics are any indication, ASCII art is more popular now than it's ever been." Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia (9783882439205): Danzig Baldaev, Sergei Vasiliev, Alexei Plutser-Sarno: Books Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia (9783882439205): Danzig Baldaev, Sergei Vasiliev, Alexei Plutser-Sarno: Books: "Once upon a time, before the advent of the indie rocker and the alternative chick, before primitivism became a style trend and tattoo parlors set up shop on the good avenues, tattoos were the secret language of a restricted world, a world of criminals. ~The photographs, drawings and texts published here are part of a collection of 3,600 tattoos accumulated over a lifetime by prison attendant Danzig Baldayev. Tattoos were his entrance into a secret world, a world in which he acted as an ethnographer, recording the rituals of a closed society. The icons and tribal languages he documented are artful, distasteful, sexually explicit and sometimes just simply strange, reflecting as they do the lives and mores of convicts. Skulls, swastikas, harems of naked women, a smiling Al Capone, assorted demons, medieval knights in armor, daggers sheathed in blood, benign images of Christ, mosques and minarets, sweet-faced mothers and their babies, armies of tanks, and a horned Lenin--these are the signs with which this hidden world of people mark and identify themselves. Edited by Danzig Baldayev. Clothbound, 4.75 x 8 in./400 pgs / 0 color 250 BW0 duotone illustrations~ Item D20362"

Hævy juledekoration. Yeah!

Slayer Christmas Lights: this holiday house decoration totally shreds - Boing Boing

Sig ikke nej til panda!

tumblr_lavfeaNy181qzvu53o1_r1_500.gif (500×311)

onsdag den 17. november 2010

Make: Online : Sad bookshelf is sad...


Make: Online : Sad bookshelf is sad...

Groove Is In The Art

Groove Is In The Art: "The album covers featured here were collected, scanned and archived by the owner of Jive Time Records, a Seattle based store specializing in used vinyl. If you like what you see, visit my other vinyl related galleries listed below. Thanks for visiting!"

Project Thirty-Three

Project Thirty-Three

Stereo Stack: A kaleidoscopic-wonderland of hi-fidelity and dual-dynamic vibrancy

mandag den 15. november 2010

Comics | Make your own comic strips and cartoon characters | Bitstrips

Comics | Make your own comic strips and cartoon characters | Bitstrips

Catch rate - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

Catch rate - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia: "Each species of Pokémon has a catch rate, a number out of a maximum of 255, that applies to all its members. When a Poké Ball is thrown at a wild Pokémon, the game uses a formula based on its current health, any status effect it may have, the type of ball being used, and that Pokémon's catch rate, to determine the chances of catching that Pokémon.
Approximately, the probability of catching a Pokémon starts with the species' catch rate divided by 255. Then it is multiplied by the following factors:
The health of the Pokémon (relative to its full health), which can reduce the probability to ⅓× at full health.
The type of Poké Ball, which can augment by some ×.
The status of the wild Pokémon, i.e. 2× increase for sleep or freeze, and 1.5× for others.
The effects stack multiplicatively — for example, a 2× and a 3× will combine to be 6×. If the calculation ends up greater than 1, the wild Pokémon is assured to be caught.
The rarity of the Pokémon (i.e. how often it appears in the wild) is totally independent from its catch rate after it is encountered. Even rare Pokémon may have high catch rates, making them relatively easy to catch in battle, such as Nosepass (catch rate 255)."

Dårlig hår-dag

FFFFOUND! | steve schofield – © 2007

Online omregner

Online omregner

Danske mål

Danske mål: "Ved lov af 4 maj 1907 - meterloven, er det metriske system for mål og vægt indført i DK
Måle-enheden er meteren, som er en timilliontedel af den beregnede afstand fra jordens nordpol eller sydpol til ækvator. Jordklodens omkreds igennem polerne skulle derefter være 40 millioner meter.
Meteren deles i 10 decimeter. En kvadratmeter eller et kvadrat der er en meter efter hvert led, indeholder altså 100 kvadrat-decimeter. En kubikmeter eller en terning, hvis kant er en meter, indeholder følgelig 1000 kubik-decimeter.
En kubik-dicimeter kaldes for en liter, som er mål-enheden for hulmål
Vægten af en liter eller kubik-decimeter rent (destilleret) vand ved +4 grader varme celsius er et kilogram, som er vægtenheden. En kubik-meter vand vejer altså 1000 kilogram, som udgør en ton.
Et kilogram deles i 10 hektogram, 100 dekagram og 1000 gram. Et dansk pund er nøjagtigt 500 gram eller et halvt kilogram.
Et gram deles i 10 decigram, 100 centigram og 1000 milligram."

søndag den 14. november 2010

Create a Six Word Science Fiction Story! | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts

Create a Six Word Science Fiction Story! | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts: "Well, Oklahoma was here yesterday..."

RIP: Dune and Conan Film Producer Dino De Laurentiis 1919-2010 | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts

Dune and Conan Film Producer Dino De Laurentiis 1919-2010 | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts: "Now, upon his passing, let us remember Dino De Laurentiis for his irreplaceable contributions to camp SF cinema. For sheer entertainment value—ironic or no his pictures were nearly always entertaining—he has few peers. Let us not smirk at him, but allow ourselves to smile."

Inside Full Fathom Five, James Frey's Young-Adult-Novel Assembly Line -- New York Magazine

Inside Full Fathom Five, James Frey's Young-Adult-Novel Assembly Line -- New York Magazine: "The controversial author is hiring young writers to join him in a new publishing company. The goal is to produce the next Twilight. The contracts are brutal."

The arXiv According to arXiv vs. snarXiv « David Simmons-Duffin

The arXiv According to arXiv vs. snarXiv « David Simmons-Duffin: "After more than 3/4 of a mil lion guesses, in over 50,000 games played in 67 coun tries, the results are clear: Sci­ence sounds like gobbledygook"

Top Five Utterly Incomprehensible Mathematics Titles at | daddymodern

Top Five Utterly Incomprehensible Mathematics Titles at | daddymodern: "Every now and then it is necessary to refresh our sense of reverence for the world around us. One way to do this is to get in touch with what the scientists of the day are up to… not the pop-scientists whose work is intelligible by design but the movers and shakers whose work is so utterly incomprehensible that you can’t make sense of any two consecutive words.

And so here is the first of what I hope to be many Top Five lists of utterly incomprehensible journal article titles. These five are plucked from the mathematics section of Cornell University’s excellent"

lørdag den 13. november 2010

You’re Doing it Wrong

Ha ha ha .... google lyver ikke



Hæ hæ



demotivational_poster_6.jpg (352×440)

20 GOTO 10 - BASIC Programming for Dummies

20 GOTO 10 - BASIC Programming for Dummies: "Remember the days when computer programming was actually fun? The joys of BBC BASIC, the GOSUB and RETURN commands, realising you've not planned ahead and need to RENUMBER to fit in that extra PRINT statement?

Me neither, but I bet you do remember “20 GOTO 10”, the concluding part of arguably the most puerile program known to man."

fredag den 12. november 2010

Byggepladen - artikel: Tur til Knuds togbane og LEGO fabrikken

Byggepladen - artikel: Tur til Knuds togbane og LEGO fabrikken: "Til slut mødtes vi ved udgangen til 'de-briefing'. På det tidspunkt var vi vist alle godt trætte af indtryk og i fødderne, så udfyldelse af evaluerings-skema over vores besøg var en velfortjent hvilepause. Jeg tror kun, der kom positive tilbagemeldinger. Alt i alt var vi vist en tilfreds fan-gruppe, der sagde farvel og tak for denne gang til vores fremragende guide - Eric Palludan.

Tilbage var kun turen hjemad. For os sjællændere, var det en lang tur hjem, hvor vi for en gang skyld ikke snakkede i munden på hinanden… Og jeg sov godt dén nat! Og ja - jeg drømte om Lego. Igen!"

onsdag den 10. november 2010

Kronhjorten er død, leve udkantsdanmark! - KUNSTEN.NU

Kronhjorten er død, leve udkantsdanmark! - KUNSTEN.NU: "Landskabet med kronhjorten. Vi kender det som billedet på national idyl fra bedstemors stue og endda også fra visse valgplakater. Men dræbte det nationalromantiske maleri ‘landskabet’ som kritisk genre, eller har nutidskunsten givet det nye horisonter?"

Zombie walk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zombie walk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100 Classic Sci-Fi Movies You Can Watch Online For Free

100 Classic Sci-Fi Movies You Can Watch Online For Free: "As can be expected, the films from this time period are in black and white, and many do not even feature sound. However, many people are of the belief that these details add to the scariness since we are not used to them. See for yourself when you watch these classics for free online."

25 classic science fiction movies that everybody must watch

25 classic science fiction movies that everybody must watch: "Science fiction has rocked cinemas for a century, and the genre has produced many undisputed classics during that time. But which movies are essential viewing for anyone interested in the genre? We broke down the 25 must-watch science fiction films."

Science fiction film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Science fiction film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Science fiction film is a film genre that uses science fiction: speculative, science-based depictions of phenomena that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial life forms, alien worlds, ESP, and time travel, often along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, or other technologies. Science fiction films have often been used to focus on political or social issues, and to explore philosophical issues like the human condition. In many cases, tropes derived from written science fiction may be used by filmmakers ignorant of or at best indifferent to the standards of scientific plausibility and plot logic to which written science fiction is traditionally held." - About ClassicSciFi.Com - About ClassicSciFi.Com: "ClassicSciFi.Com is your guide to the best Sci-Fi, Horror,
and Fantasy Films"

lørdag den 6. november 2010

fredag den 5. november 2010

torsdag den 4. november 2010

Rollin’ with my homies

LPCover Lover | Rollin’ with my homies

BLDGBLOG: Trap Rooms

BLDGBLOG: Trap Rooms: "While finalizing my slides for tonight's lecture at SCI-Arc, I was reading again about one of my favorite topics: trap streets, or deliberate cartographic errors introduced into a map so as to catch acts of copyright infringement by rival firms."

Synergon, a business LARP: escape into drudgery! - Boing Boing

Synergon, a business LARP: escape into drudgery! - Boing Boing: "Synergon is a BLARP: a business live-action role-playing game. Players create fantasy characters who start out as low-level corporate drones and then perform boring, soul-destroying repetitive tasks set by a game-master (called 'The Boss') until they level up. Players also fight one another for the chance to do more boring, soul-destroying tasks."

For sale: Used condoms made from fish swim bladders - Boing Boing

For sale: Used condoms made from fish swim bladders - Boing Boing: "This set of 110-year-old condoms, made from the swim bladders* of fish, are up for auction in Vienna. Delightfully, they seem to have been meant to be reusable, as evidenced by the former owner's careful tally of how many times each condom had been used. It looks as though you were only supposed to reuse 10 times."

søndag den 31. oktober 2010


Pennsylvania "But enough of my ramblings and back to the topic at hand. What I propose is simple. A large bridge over Pennsylvania that allows you to just bypass the state entirely. Want to go from Maryland to New York? Just hop on the bypass and be spared the pain and anguish of driving through Pennsylvania. There'd also be an east-west connector between Ohio and New York."

The zombie revolution will not be televised. But it will be tweeted. (fiction)

The zombie revolution will not be televised. But it will be tweeted. (fiction)

Treadmill FAIL

epic fail photos - Treadmill FAIL

Treadmill FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and Funny Pictures

Kaninbjerget, hæ ...

epic fail photos - Label WIN

Label WIN - Epic Fail Funny Videos and Funny Pictures

Employer and Employee Name

epic fail photos - Employer and Employee Name WIN

Employer and Employee Name

God hates figs

God hates figs : pics: "I've been studying the bible recently in an english class, and this is how I imagine most other parts of the bible too. There's a scene where Abraham, age 90ish, runs around his house circumcising slaves and sons. When I think of my 90 year old grandma, I know she is completely out of her mind. She thinks the vietcong are stealing her money at night. It's just an amazing scene."

How-To: Sock Zombies (video)


Make: Online : How-To: Sock Zombies (video)

MicroBricks - Less is more!


Huge Lego Europe relief map with monuments


Make: Online : Huge Lego Europe relief map with monuments

Unpopular Science

Unpopular Science - "Whether we like it or not, human life is subject to the universal laws of physics."

Bring Me The Head Of Boba Fett

Bring Me The Head Of Boba Fett: "I like my Star Wars. I've got a ton of Star Wars games, even some Star Wars toys lying around. But this? This goes a little beyond a 'toy'."

fredag den 29. oktober 2010

Unwanted penis tattooed on man's back

Unwanted penis tattooed on man's back: "A Queensland man faces criminal charges after allegedly tattooing a 40cm-long penis onto his mate’s back."

Machine of Death - CULTURE OF DEATH

Machine of Death - CULTURE OF DEATH: "In the hours since that program was first broadcast into the ears of legions nationwide, Mr. Beck has gotten his wish and captured the #1 spot. We’re just sad we couldn’t have given him his special day on Tuesday! If you’re reading this, Mr. Beck, we’re sorry about that. We just didn’t even know you were there."

Ultra Monster Series | CollectionDX

Ultra Monster Series | CollectionDX: "Literally Ultra Monster Series) are small affordable vinyl renditions of Ultraman monsters from the various Ultraman Series."

The Web 2.0 Summit Points of Control Map

The Web 2.0 Summit Points of Control Map: "More than any time in the history of the Web, incumbents in the network economy are consolidating their power and staking new claims to key points of control.

Welcome to the second iteration of the Web 2.0 Summit's theme, Points of Control! We've added your suggestions to the map, and created the Acquisition mode, which will let you suggest the next moves for the web's biggest players as they try to expand their territories.

Contribute to the Points of Control map and you could win a pass to Web 2.0 Summit! Visit the #w2s Blog for more contest details."

Points of control = Rents - O'Reilly Radar

Points of control = Rents - O'Reilly Radar: "Innovation was once the sole rent source in the computer industry, but things have changed" The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force [Vault Edition] (9781603800969): Daniel Wallace: Books: Reviews, Prices & more The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force [Vault Edition] (9781603800969): Daniel Wallace: Books: Reviews, Prices & more: "even the exterior packaging is very high quality. It came in a nice black cardboard box within another box, and within that had a wrapper that held the doors shut (which was hard to remove without damaging)."

Boba's Invoice | Flickr - Photo Sharing!


Boba's Invoice | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer (9780393338461): Robert Swartwood: Books Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer (9780393338461): Robert Swartwood: Books

søndag den 24. oktober 2010

Building The Next Big Thing: 25 Years of MIT’s Media Lab | Epicenter�|

Building The Next Big Thing: 25 Years of MIT’s Media Lab | Epicenter| "It may be a functioning electric car prototype, but to MIT it’s media."

He’s not even stiff yet

LPCover Lover | He’s not even stiff yet


YouTube - Prisencolinensinainciusol: ""

LPCover Lover | Just back from the International Fringe Festival

LPCover Lover | Just back from the International Fringe Festival: "Adriano Celentano “Chi Non Lavora Non Fa L’Amore”

Ligner Brüno på en prik!

LPCover Lover | Where the wild things are

LPCover Lover | Where the wild things are: "“… Case Histories of Sex Starved Women”"

LPCover Lover | Heroes

Things Organized Neatly: Archive

Things Organized Neatly: Archive

14 Most Epic Movie Battle Scenes

14 Most Epic Movie Battle Scenes: "Epic is overused. Heavily, heavily overused. The internet has corrupted a perfectly good word, and now it’s used almost as badly as lol. Anything that’s vaguely humorous gets slapped with the label without any appreciation for what it truly is. You know what’s epic? Hundreds of armed and trained men, slaughtering each other ruthlessly on the field of battle. Blood and death up to your knees, under the chaos of war. That is epic, and these 14 scenes all exemplify the word, as the 14 most epic battles in cinema history."

End Of An Era: Sony Stops Manufacturing Cassette Walkmans

End Of An Era: Sony Stops Manufacturing Cassette Walkmans: "Truth be told, I wasn’t aware Sony was still producing cassette Walkmans. But the company today announced it will stop manufacturing and selling these devices in Japan – after 30 years. Sony says the final lot was shipped to retailers in April this year, and once the last units are sold, there will be no cassette Walkmans from big S anymore."

8 Tragic Ghost Towns of the 20th Century | NileGuide

8 Tragic Ghost Towns of the 20th Century | NileGuide: "Desolate, ruined, hollow: ghost towns are the remnants of urban catastrophe. Whether it’s a shift in local industry or a particularly nasty disaster that sparks a mass exodus, it means the death knell for a town. Eerie and tragic, yet brimming with history, the following ghost towns are monuments to hardship, good intentions with bad�repercussions, and human folly"

lørdag den 23. oktober 2010

The Japanese RPG formula - Boing Boing

The Japanese RPG formula - Boing Boing: "Joe Juba's flowchart of the classic Japanese RPG formula (via Simon Parkin) is a delight, from the first attack on the village to our final showdown with the androgynous baddie.

After the jump, please enjoy 'It Is With Great Regret,' my very brief contribution to this genre of JRPG tribute. It's a flash-fic about the tragedy of rebellion."

fredag den 22. oktober 2010

Retro Room Mural (RRM)

Retro Room Mural (RRM): "Not long ago I decided I really needed to up the cool factor to my son's bedroom. It had always just been a plain old blue. He has always loved Mario so we decided that would be a good theme to go on."

Make: Online : 2001 monolith "action" figure


Make: Online : 2001 monolith "action" figure: "OK, sorry to meander off-topic, here, but when I saw this my L was actually OL, and I just had to share. This rectangular block of black plastic is the latest brainstorm from the clever marketeers over at ThinkGeek. ('Helps your other action figures evolve.') [via Gizmodo]"

Make: Online : Free "Age of Graphical Computing" calendar download

Make: Online : Free "Age of Graphical Computing" calendar download

To Run Better, Start by Ditching Your Nikes | Wired Science |

To Run Better, Start by Ditching Your Nikes | Wired Science | "Before the Nikes, before the breathable, antimicrobial running shorts, before the personal fitness coaches, heart rate monitors, wrist-mounted GPS and subscriptions to Runner’s World, you were a runner.

And, like all children, you ran barefoot."

The 13th Annual Independent Games Festival

The 13th Annual Independent Games Festival

Byggepladen - Danmarks LEGO� Entusiast Forening

Byggepladen - Danmarks LEGO - Entusiast Forening: "– en forening af voksne LEGO entusiaster. Byggepladen er en LEGOklub, hvor vi mødes primært på internettet i vores forum, men ogsåarrangerer møder i privat regi.

Byggepladens medlemmer kan vælge op til tre sæt som deres favoritter. Du kan se en statistik over hvilke sæt de har valgt."

Games That Defined The Dreamcast - RetroGaming with Racketboy

Games That Defined The Dreamcast - RetroGaming with Racketboy: "The Sega Dreamcast obviously was not a strong commerical success. However, that was not because of a lack of quality games. Sega excelled at having games that were unique, addictive, and just plain fun."

torsdag den 21. oktober 2010

DIY AI - Artificial intelligence has been solved

DIY AI - Artificial intelligence has been solved: "Since AI evolution requires a teeming, rioting diversity, whether you code in Ada -
APL - C - C - COBOL - Forth - Java - JavaScript - Labview - Lisp - Oberon -
Perl - Prolog - Python - Ruby - Scheme - Smalltalk - Tcl - Visual Basic - XML
or whatever, do not worry if your artificial Mind is different from the most popular,
ostensibly standard AI Mind. Would you like your own human child to be identical
to every other human child? Of course not, so carve out your place in AI history
by coding your best implementation of any AI algorithm listed or not listed below.
Put the open-source AI on the Web; stand back; and may the best Mind win."

tirsdag den 19. oktober 2010

Joystick Division - Five Insanely Scary Games That Will Ruin Your Psyche

Joystick Division - Five Insanely Scary Games That Will Ruin Your Psyche: "Psychological horror can be powerfully conveyed in video games. The games usually don't involve a lot of shocks and jumps -- instead they have a twisted, pervasive creepiness that keeps us on a terrified edge for their duration. We've picked five that have given us great fright over the years; the kind of fright that keeps us up at night. Click for the picks, in no particular order."

Superman's Fortress of Solitude in Mexico

Make: Online : Superman's Fortress of Solitude in Mexico:


This is certainly old news to the geologists in our midst, but I couldn't believe my eyes watching this BBC video clip of Professor Iain Stewart exploring the amazing Cueva de los Cristales (Cave of Crystals) in Naica, Mexico. The cave is home to crystal beams as long as 36 feet long. Looks an awful lot like Superman's Fortress of Solitude!"

Ligne claire

Ligne claire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Ligne claire (French for 'clear line') is a style of drawing pioneered by Herge, the Belgian creator of The Adventures of Tintin. It is a style of drawing that uses clear strong lines of uniform importance. Artists working in the style do not use hatching, while contrast is downplayed as well. Cast shadows are often illuminated while a uniformity of line is used throughout, paying equal attention to every element depicted. Additionally, the style often features strong colours and a combination of cartoonish characters against a realistic background. All these elements together can result in giving strips drawn this way a flat aspect. The name was coined by Joost Swarte in 1977."

Sparebøsser "Det er egentlig ikke nogen ny interesse at samle på sparebøsser ... Jeg har, så længe jeg husker, haft mindst en sparebøsse, men da jeg startede indenfor bankvæsenet, blev det lidt af en hobby, at samle på sparebøsser, og jeg har gennem årene fået samlet nogle forskellige, som blot har ligget gemt væk, men efter indkøbet af de nye vitrineskabe til soveværelset, er de kommet frem fra gemmerne og igen til ære og værdighed."

søndag den 17. oktober 2010

5 times we almost nuked ourselves by accident

5 times we almost nuked ourselves by accident: "This is how NORAD learned not to run computer simulations of Soviet nuclear attacks on the systems used to respond to actual Soviet nuclear attacks. The missile defense agency received alarming indications that a full scale battery of Russian nukes were heading toward the U.S. Planes were scrambled with fully armed nuclear weapons. The president's shielded emergency plane was put into the air too (although they couldn't get the president on it in time)."

Interwebben er det nye TV

Why the web mustn't become the new TV - Shadowlocked: "'Current worries among publishing houses that magazines and newspapers will succumb to the digital written word on the internet are perhaps analogous to Victorian fears about mechanical horses taking over from real horses in the drawing of carriages. The point is being missed, the wrong fear being indulged.'"


YouTube - koks babe: ""

PIRACY: Jesus Did It - Boing Boing

PIRACY: Jesus Did It - Boing Boing: "Shortly after, the BFA (Bread & Fish Association) filed lawsuits against all 5,000 food-sharers."

tirsdag den 12. oktober 2010

Porn Versions of Classic Films! (Part 1 of 2)

Porn Versions of Classic Films! (Part 1 of 2) ... vist NSFW

Van Essie - Gallery

Feline La Rouge

Van Essie - Gallery

I don't care if you're my boss, I refuse to attend your naked lawyer vision quest dildo party

I don't care if you're my boss, I refuse to attend your naked lawyer vision quest dildo party - Boing Boing: "Attorney Steven Eggleston is suing his employer, saying the top partner at the law firm pressured him to participate in a weekend all-male retreat that amounted to a New Age self-discovery/male bonding sausage-fest—or a naked lawyer dildo party, depending on your point of view. Participants were sworn to secrecy, says Eggleston, and that was what he saw as the first sign something hinky was afoot at the 'The New Warrior Training Adventure.'"

Carl Mar Møller gå hjem!

søndag den 10. oktober 2010

BEST PARENTS EVER!!! (Chainsaw Wakeup) Is it Cute/Win/Fail?

YouTube - BEST PARENTS EVER!!! (Chainsaw Wakeup) Is it Cute/Win/Fail?: "These kids stayed up late watching scary movies so to punish them, rather than grounding them, the dad gets a chainsaw and a clown mask and goes to town."

Make: Online : Woods of the world indexed as "library" of "books"


Make: Online : Woods of the world indexed as "library" of "books": "I've been interested in collecting woods for a long time. The International Wood Collectors Society is the premier collectors organization, and they promulgate a 'standard sample block' measuring 6' x 3' x 1/2'. The smaller IWCS-size samples are much cheaper than these wooden 'books' offered by Worlds Wood Library, but there's no denying the elegance of this idea as a display. The common name is cut into the book's 'spine,' and the latin binomial into its 'cover.'"

A Tale of Two Couplands

Wired 14.05: Posts: "There's a rumor going around the Internet that Douglas Coupland collects meteorites. Nobody knows how it began, least of all Coupland. But the story started to circulate shortly after his first novel, Generation X, became an On the Road for the '90s. Every effort he's made to set the record straight has been ignored by his many fan sites. So he recently decided to purchase a few choice specimens."

ZPi | The Modern Paranoid Home

ZPi | The Modern Paranoid Home

The Collapse of Complex Business Models

The Collapse of Complex Business Models - Clay Shirky: "When ecosystems change and inflexible institutions collapse, their members disperse, abandoning old beliefs, trying new things, making their living in different ways than they used to. It’s easy to see the ways in which collapse to simplicity wrecks the glories of old. But there is one compensating advantage for the people who escape the old system: when the ecosystem stops rewarding complexity, it is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, who get to say what happens in the future."

The collapse of complex

The collapse of complex "'The citizens of modern complex societies usually do not realize that we are an anomaly in history. Throughout the several million years that recognizable humans are known to have lived, the common unit was the small, autonomous community, acting independently and largely self-sufficient ... hierarchy and complexity are actually rare in human history, and where present require constant reinforcement. No societal leader is ever far from the need to validate position and policy, and no hierarchal society can be organized without explicit provision for this need.'
~ Joseph A. Tainter, The collapse of complex societies (NY: Cambridge, 1990)"

A radical pessimist's guide to the next 10 years - The Globe and Mail

A radical pessimist's guide to the next 10 years - The Globe and Mail: "Something smarter than us is going to emerge"

MindGuard Home Page

MindGuard Home Page: "Welcome to the MindGuard website, your source for the award-winning MindGuard family of anti-mind-control software for Amiga and Linux computers. Developed by Lyle Zapato during the psychotronically turbulent early 1990s, MindGuard offered Amiga-using paranoids the world over a new opportunity to think free of evil influences using advanced Active Anti-Psychotronic (AAP) software, theretofore only available to mind-control agents and paranoid millionaires. At the dawn of the Third Millennium, MindGuard was made available for even the stingiest paranoids with the introduction of MindGuard X for the free Linux OS. Now no one has an excuse not to be mind-control free!"

On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study

"Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. We investigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a sample group of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions (either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from the cranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatly amplified. These amplified frequencies coincide with radio bands reserved for government use according to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Statistical evidence suggests the use of helmets may in fact enhance the government's invasive abilities. We speculate that the government may in fact have started the helmet craze for this reason."

Imperial Minigolf Final Exam

Imperial Minigolf Final Exam | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Når Darth Vader hygger sig.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie: "This site is dedicated to spreading the word about the Aluminum* Foil Deflector Beanie and how it can help the average human. Here you will find a description of AFDBs, how to make and use them, and general information about related subjects. I hope that you find the AFDB Homepage to be an important source of AFDB know-how and advocacy."

tirsdag den 5. oktober 2010

Hunter S. Thompson's 1958 cover letter for a newspaper job - Boing Boing

Hunter S. Thompson's 1958 cover letter for a newspaper job - Boing Boing: "By the time you get this letter, I'll have gotten hold of some of the recent issues of The Sun. Unless it looks totally worthless, I'll let my offer stand. And don't think that my arrogance is unintentional: it's just that I'd rather offend you now than after I started working for you."

Costco - $799.99 after $200 OFF Shelf Reliance THRIVE™ 1-year Supply Dehydrated & Freeze-Dried Food

Costco - $799.99 after $200 OFF Shelf Reliance THRIVE™ 1-year Supply Dehydrated & Freeze-Dried Food: "v"

Ultra high resolution photos of famous paintings - Boing Boing

Ultra high resolution photos of famous paintings - Boing Boing

mandag den 4. oktober 2010

16 Most Creative and Unique Bookshelves

16 Most Creative and Unique Bookshelves: "Bookshelves are one of the most common pieces of furniture that you can find in almost any home around the world for the simple reason that a lot people like to read. Whether you own a collection of classic novels or volumes of work-related reference books, it makes perfect sense to get yourself a good bookcase or two for storing these books.I`m sure that some of this Bookshelves you saw already in my site, but now I want to spot all of them in an article called ” 16 Most Creative and Unique Bookshelves ”"

Low Cost Design Concrete Bookshelves

Low Cost Design Concrete Bookshelves: "Bookshelves are made from expensive woods like satinwood, rosewood, mahogany and oak, and that’s why a certain amount of aesthetic credibility is always inevitable. Kamat & Rozario Architecture in Bangalore, India, has designed a low cost and unique� set of concrete bookshelves.The outside rings are made of precast concrete, similar to those usually seen in culverts"

søndag den 3. oktober 2010


Brickipedia: "Welcome to Brickipedia, a free online LEGO encyclopedia written collaboratively by its readers known as Brickipedians. The site is a Wiki, meaning that anyone, including you, can edit almost any article right now by clicking on the edit this page link that appears at the top of a page. This wiki is based on the MediaWiki software used to run Wikipedia, and with the help of editors like yourself, we strive to be the best LEGO reference site out there."

12 Forgotten Online Games - TradeWars 2002 - Slideshow from

TradeWars 2002

12 Forgotten Online Games - TradeWars 2002 - Slideshow from

lørdag den 2. oktober 2010

Full-scale, fetishistically detailed driveable replica 1966 Batmobiles - Boing Boing

Full-scale, fetishistically detailed driveable replica 1966 Batmobiles - Boing Boing: "Mark Racop works out of a shop in small-town Indiana, turning out incredibly accurate, driveable 1966 Batmobile replicas. The bodies are modified castings from an old Futura and all the fittings and parts are functional and styled to match the prop Batmobile from the series (you can also buy these individual fittings -- 'Bat Parts' -- for your modern car). The sell for $150,000, and you can choose between a rebuilt Ford 460 motor, or a new GM 350 crate engine."

fredag den 1. oktober 2010

Old-School Strongmen - Photo Gallery - LIFE

Old-School Strongmen - Photo Gallery - LIFE: "In an age when plastic surgery, human growth hormones, anabolic steroids, and other 'enhancers' can quickly change (occasionally for the better; often for the cringe-inducing worse) a person's appearance, there's a lot to be said for the strongmen of old, who usually altered their physiques the old-fashioned way: by, for example, frequently bending iron bars around their necks. Like the man said ... there's no school like the old school."

People Who Became Nouns - Photo Gallery - LIFE

People Who Became Nouns - Photo Gallery - LIFE: "Before there were silhouettes, there was a Silhouette. And before there was gerrymandering, there was a Gov. Gerry. It's easy to forget that some of the English language's most common words had real-life namesakes in living, breathing people. Like the Edsel, a disastrous car line that has become synonymous with failure. The line was named after Henry Ford's son Edsel (at right here with his dad in 1905 in Detroit) by the company board. Thanks, guys."

Guys on Motorcycles Looking Cool - Photo Gallery - LIFE

Guys on Motorcycles Looking Cool - Photo Gallery - LIFE: "It's not hard to look good while riding (or sitting or leaning on) a motorcycle. But these men did it better than others."

In Combat: LIFE's Great War Photos - Photo Gallery - LIFE

In Combat: LIFE's Great War Photos - Photo Gallery - LIFE: "This photo, in which three American soldiers lie dead in the sand on Buna Beach in New Guinea, was taken in February 1943, but was not published until September. It was the first time an image of dead American troops appeared in LIFE during World War II without the bodies being draped, in coffins, or otherwise covered up. George Strock's Buna Beach photo -- now acknowledged as a war classic -- and other equally gruesome and graphic pictures were finally OK'd by the Office of War Information's censors, in part because President Roosevelt feared that the American public might be growing complacent about the war and its horrific toll."

Flashback: French Grand Prix, 1954 - Photo Gallery - LIFE

Flashback: French Grand Prix, 1954 - Photo Gallery - LIFE: "In the pits with the Mercedes mechanics at the French Grand Prix in Reims, 1954, the first time in 15 years that German cars had competed in the Grand Prix."

Daytona Motorcycle Madness, 1948 - Photo Gallery - LIFE

Daytona Motorcycle Madness, 1948 - Photo Gallery - LIFE: "For years, from its inception in 1937 until the early '60s, the celebrated Daytona 200 motorcycle race wasn't merely run at Daytona Beach in Florida -- along with other high-speed, high-risk clashes, the 200 was run on the beach in Florida. In 1948, LIFE covered the 12th annual races at Daytona, and reported, in its April 19 issue, that 'for four days last month the resort city of Daytona Beach could hardly have been noisier -- or in more danger -- if it had been under bombardment.' Now, with unpublished and rarely seen photos from the meet, opens a window on a long, loud weekend 60 years ago -- a weekend that thrilled thousands of racing fans; scandalized one very popular weekly magazine's editors; and, as if proof was needed that the young sport was still in the hands of daredevils, rebels, and scofflaws, saw two people killed and 30 more injured."

Never-Seen: Hells Angels, 1965 - Photo Gallery - LIFE

Never-Seen: Hells Angels, 1965 - Photo Gallery - LIFE: "From Jesse James to Tony Soprano, outlaws have always held a singular if ambiguous place in America's popular imagination: we fear and loathe their appetite for violence, yet we envy and covet their freedom. In early 1965, LIFE photographer Bill Ray and writer Joe Bride spent several weeks with a gang that, to this day, serves as a living, brawling embodiment of our schizoid relationship with the rebel: the Hells Angels."

tirsdag den 28. september 2010

35 Really Unusual And Desirable Bookshelf Designs

35 Really Unusual And Desirable Bookshelf Designs

Texts From Last Night

Texts From Last Night



HOW DO I TURN OFF CAPS LOCK?: "A troubled computer user accidentally pressed the caps lock button and doesn't know how to turn it off. Naively, he seeks help from the internet. The internet tells him: you can't turn it off, it's irreversible. I love the internet."

Optimus Prime vs Jesus Christ

Pat's Fantasy Hotlist: Optimus Prime vs Jesus Christ

Valg. Valg. Valg.

Tweet of the Day

imgfave | frkncngz

mandag den 27. september 2010

Tea Party website 4Channed - Boing Boing

Tea Party website 4Channed - Boing Boing: "The official Tea party website,, has apparently been compromised by los del 4Chan. The 'Photos' section of currently links to this url, which (duh, 4chan!) now contains lots of porn and racist/shock visual jokes."

FictFact - Track Your Fiction Book Series

FictFact - Track Your Fiction Book Series: "Dedicated to helping you read fiction book series in order. Easily find out which book is next with a custom list based on your favorite series!"

Make: Online : Logan's Run in Lego


Make: Online : <em>Logan's Run in Lego

Make: Online : Logan's Run in Lego


Make: Online : <em>Logan's Run in Lego

R2D2 home entertainment center integrates 11 consoles, projector

R2D2 home entertainment center integrates 11 consoles, projector - Boing Boing: "Brian DeVitis, a UCLA mechanical engineering grad student, has spent the past three years modding a giant R2D2-shaped Pepsi dispenser into a home entertainment system with eleven integrated game consoles, a projector, and eight-way sound."

Typographic zombie poster - Boing Boing

Typographic zombie poster - Boing Boing

fredag den 24. september 2010

every girl that dreams of dating a bearded uptown hipster with a bike

best of craigslist: every girl that dreams of dating a bearded uptown hipster with a bike: "marry a guy with a yacht."

Stately Dutch MILF Magnet

Denne oversigt er ikke tilgængelig. Klik her for at se indlægget.

I stomped on your fire, you choked on a biscuit

best of craigslist: I stomped on your fire, you choked on a biscuit: "Also don't eat while driving in the future, it's dangerous, as you discovered."

Dear University Alumni Office

best of craigslist: Dear University Alumni Office: "Really, that's about all you did for us -- gave us a lecture hall, gave us an arrogant bastard to listen to, and gave us a room full of computers we could use sometimes, and you gave us a degree that employers look at and say 'This guy knows how to write reports. Amusing.' And I will be paying for this privilege until I am 51 years old."

My Porn Watching Pig Boyfriend

best of craigslist: My Porn Watching Pig Boyfriend: "Thanks for listening sweetheart. By the way how did your coffee taste this morning?"

Looking for a beard mentor

I've had a moustache and beard off and on over the years, and I've tried styling it in the past but I just can't seem to get it to the next level. I'm looking for some srs protips with this, as well as possibly some styling services by someone with skilled hands. Please submit to me your beard/moustache resume. Also if you have pictures of you achievements that would be greatly appreciated.

I'm currently having trouble with getting my handlebar working correctly as well as keeping the sideburns even.

This is 'srs bsns' (serious business) as I've been informed I need to style it up, shave it off, or loose my job. (I work in adult daycare.)

best of craigslist: Looking for a beard mentor

tirsdag den 14. september 2010

Ninjaer! Nu på dansk!

onsdag den 8. september 2010

"Germans in the Woods" from StoryCorps

YouTube - "Germans in the Woods" from StoryCorps: "Joseph Robertson was an infantryman in the U.S. Army during World War II, where he fought in the Battle of the Bulge. The stark black and white images in this short haunt the viewer, just as Robertson is haunted by his memories from that battle."
