Catch rate - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia: "Each species of Pokémon has a catch rate, a number out of a maximum of 255, that applies to all its members. When a Poké Ball is thrown at a wild Pokémon, the game uses a formula based on its current health, any status effect it may have, the type of ball being used, and that Pokémon's catch rate, to determine the chances of catching that Pokémon.
Approximately, the probability of catching a Pokémon starts with the species' catch rate divided by 255. Then it is multiplied by the following factors:
The health of the Pokémon (relative to its full health), which can reduce the probability to ⅓× at full health.
The type of Poké Ball, which can augment by some ×.
The status of the wild Pokémon, i.e. 2× increase for sleep or freeze, and 1.5× for others.
The effects stack multiplicatively — for example, a 2× and a 3× will combine to be 6×. If the calculation ends up greater than 1, the wild Pokémon is assured to be caught.
The rarity of the Pokémon (i.e. how often it appears in the wild) is totally independent from its catch rate after it is encountered. Even rare Pokémon may have high catch rates, making them relatively easy to catch in battle, such as Nosepass (catch rate 255)."
mandag den 15. november 2010
Catch rate - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
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