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tirsdag den 27. januar 2009

Champion of Guitar - Guitar Hero som textadventure!

Champion of Guitars
An Interactive Fiction by Bill Meltsner
Release 1 / Serial number 090126 / Inform 7 build 5J39 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/11N)

The current management of this rather seedy venue doesn't much care
about appearances, apparently. Nonetheless, it's become one of the
hottest spots in the area, attracting surly alcoholics from all around.
A variety of local acts, the vast majority unrelentingly terrible, play
here every Tuesday night. Coincidentally, it's Tuesday night.

A host of unsavory-looking people makes up your audience for the night.
They're all staring at you expectantly.

A fake plastic guitar lies on the ground in front of you.

Bolted to the wall is a television screen, dark and forboding.

>pick up guitar
You pick up the guitar.

The crowd around you quiets down, an expectant hush settling over the room.

>examine guitar
The guitar has a orange button, a blue button, a red button, a yellow
button and a green button.

The screen flickers to life, revealing a grid with five columns and
colored circles falling down them. Music begins to blast from the speakers.

A blue circle slides down the screen.

