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mandag den 17. januar 2011 | Red Letter Media’s Review of ‘Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith’ | Red Letter Media’s Review of ‘Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith’: "He’s baaaack! Who’s back? Mike (or Mr. Plinkett as he now likes to be called) from Red Letter Media, that’s who. Who’s this Mike fella? He’s the critic known for his movie reviews that are as outrageously long as they are harsh. This is the guy…excuse me, LEGEND who spent 70 minutes, excessively dissecting Star Wars: Episode One, illustrating why it’s legitimately a piece of shit. This isn’t some guy that prattles on and on about why a movie is bad. No, this dude is well versed in the process of storytelling and film making. His comments are well constructed and valid in point. His videos are well edited too. With cuts that are comically well timed. You may be turned off by his stroke victim like voice, but be rest assured it’s all part of his sch-tick about how even an idiot could understand how stupid a movie is. His reviews are perhaps the greatest things to ever hit the internetz."

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