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søndag den 29. august 2010

Klingon Opera Ramps Up for Earth-Bound Premiere

Klingon Opera Ramps Up for Earth-Bound Premiere | Underwire | "Upping the ante on the Elvish power ballad performed in the Lord of the Rings-inspired musical Fellowship!, Dutch sci-fi fans will stage the world’s first Klingon opera next month.

The opera, titled u, plays at the Zeebelt Theater in The Hague, Netherlands, from Sept. 9 through 12.

The organizers have even extended an invitation to the Klingons to attend a special performance of the opera. Mark Okrand, inventor of the Klingon language, recorded an inter-galactic invite that was transmitted from a de-commissioned telescope station, as documented in the clip embedded below. They have yet to receive any RSVP’s from outer space."

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