Og her er coveret så fra mesterens egen side:
lørdag den 27. marts 2010
The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters - my first book
Indsendt af
- Cycles Rétro-Peugeot
- Teufelskerle
- Marwencol
- I'm not the messiah, says food activist – but his ...
- Douglas Adams: Parrots, the universe and everything
- Mortal Kombat Mashups
- Battlefield Earth screenwriter apologises
- You Fight Like A Cow - Television Tropes
- The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters - my first ...
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- Destination Subconscious: Cary Grant and LSD
- Have Organ, Will Swing
- Video games: the addiction
- OMG Cat Cannot Unsee the Horror - Remix
- Play Boxhead: The Zombie Wars
- A scientific paper you will never forget ... no ma...
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- Men's Adventure Magazines
- Wanted-- babysitter for druggies
- obnoxious drunk irish guy at the workless party on...
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- Kiltmen.com - Nej til buksetyranniet!
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- The 8 Most Lackluster Star Wars Videogames in the ...
- "Warren Ellis: King of the Internet"
- Prøv lige den her på Mac D
- Ikaros a.k.a. Flyv fugl, flyv!
- Dit billede fuld af fejl er ankommet
- Aner ikke hvad der foregår her ....
- Dispatchwork
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