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mandag den 18. august 2008

David Byrne & Brian Eno - Everything That Happens Will Happen Today (hele albummet som stream)

Brian Eno and I recently finished our first collaboration in about 30 years. The name of the new record is Everything That Happens Will Happen Today. For the most part, Brian did the music and I wrote some tunes, words and sang. It's familiar but completely new as well. We're pretty excited.

The album is available exclusively from this Web site. You can stream all of the songs for free and purchase it in a variety of digital and physical formats, including a limited edition Deluxe Package designed by Stefan Sagmeister. All formats can be downloaded immediately and physical CDs will be shipped in the Fall.

David Byrne

PS: If you like what you hear, please share the streaming player on the left of the page with your friends, or embed it on your Web site, blog or profile. Just click Embed/Share and you're good to go.
