/Today is the exact 10 year anniversary of me losing my virginity. In
celebration of this fact I am posting a project that I have been working
on for a while. I was not thinking about today when I started the
project, but when I realized what it was, I thought that this was a
perfect time to post it. Enjoy. /
On a recent drive through the neighborhood I grew up in I realized that
most of the strong feelings that I had were a result of a nostalgia
directly related to a more innocent feeling of women and my own
sexuality that I had when growing up in Alexandria, VA. I wanted to do a
photo project on this and take some images of the spots that gave me the
most tingles. I decided to use Polaroid film because it's number one use
is taking dirty pictures of people. My relationship with the film has
also been a sleazy one as 95% of the pictures I have taken using the
medium have been of naked girls. I though documenting my early sex life
would be a perfect reason to use Polaroids to do something other than
take naked pictures, yet to still play on the sexual identity of the medium.