Masser af links i ingen synderlig orden

torsdag den 31. januar 2008

The mindscape of Alan Moore

søndag den 27. januar 2008

Når du bare hader en hjemmeside ...

... så brug

Nukes er min favorit :-)

Når du bare hader en hjemmeside ...

... så burg

Nukes er min favorit :-)

Defender - Arcade Flyer Art

"For this weeks flyer I chose a classic game with one of my all time
favorite posters, Defender. I don't think I need to explain the gameplay
of Defender to anyone and if I do, then you should just sell all your
consoles now and turn in your gamer card..."

fredag den 18. januar 2008

torsdag den 17. januar 2008

søndag den 13. januar 2008

Darth my helmet, babe!

Bling bling hjelme fra en eller anden Star Wars festival.

How to organize your Lego bricks for efficient building

If you spend any time at all with Lego, then the sight above is probably a familiar one: a giant bin full of assorted Lego bricks and parts. As a kid, this was about the pinnacle of my organizational skills (hey, they're in a box, right?) but I'm sure that in aggregate I wasted several years of my life pawing through boxes like this trying to find the next piece that I needed.

Twenty years later I have Lego again, but much less tolerance for digging through piles. So how can we make things better? In this article we show off some of the tricks that we use to keep our stacks organized, so that we can spend our Lego time building efficiently, not looking for bricks. (Warning: article is image heavy!)

Husk at læse kommentarerne drenge og piger ;-)

Darwin-awards 2007

Named in honor of Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, the Darwin
Awards commemorate those who improve our gene pool by removing
themselves from it.

lørdag den 12. januar 2008

8-bit remixes og fortolkninger - mød mesteren

Hvis man er til 8-bit remixex og fortolkninger så er mesteren her. Se Reyn Ouwehand egenhændigt elaborere over temaet til Green Beret. Tjek også de andre videoer.

fredag den 11. januar 2008

Dead Kennedys: Too Drunk To Fuck - Finland 1981

Så er den formatkrig afgjort: Porn arrives on Blu-Ray - another nail in the HD-DVD coffin

"Games, Storytelling, and Breaking the String"

Last year, MIT University Press published Second Person: Roleplaying and Story in Playable Media, an anthology of articles on the subject by a diverse group of contributors edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. By "a diverse group," I mean everything from game studies academics to digital game developers to tabletop game designers; it also included three experimental tabletop RPGs (John Tynes's Puppetland, James Wallis's The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, and my Bestial Acts).

Recently, the editors have been putting selected articles from the volume online (under a Creative Commons release). One such is the piece I wrote, entitled Games, Storytelling, and Breaking the String, which is a look at the ways in which both digital and non-digital games (or game-like entities) have tried to address the inherent conflict between the demands of the game (interactivity and player volition) and the story (linearity and narrative coherence).

It's somewhat theoretical, but written plainly, and worth a read if you're interested in these issues.

The other articles they've posted from the book can be found here.

Marseille Figs

"The Figs roll. The Figs rock. The Figs take it to the bridge, over the bridge, across the ridge on the other side of the bridge, and onto that ledge on the horizon. You will believe a guitar strumming, sweet talkin', tub thumping three piece can fly. I wanna be in the Figs." Sean O'Hagan

mandag den 7. januar 2008

Sådan SMS gamer du en dame

Wow. Ledte efter noget helt andet og faldt så over den her:

Køligt overblik. Masse af defte moves. Sådan går man ind for the kill
SMS-wise, når man skal nagle hende der, man bagte på kl 6 på et

Haha, der er nogle der ikke er for defte sån, selv-ironi-wise.


Thuggy Stardust Mashup: Bowie vs. Gangsta

Er ved at dll den lige nu, lyder interessant ...

fredag den 4. januar 2008

Fed californisk kunstner:

Og et interview med ham via
