torsdag den 22. november 2007
søndag den 18. november 2007
torsdag den 15. november 2007
Warhammer 40K spillere får for lidt sex
De har i hvert fald ikke plads til kærester:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 08.14
mandag den 12. november 2007
Backupstrategier til hjemmet
Husk det nu! Rigtige mænd tager ikke backup - de græder!,1558,2212535,00.asp?kc=ETRSS02129TX1K0000532
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 01.17
lørdag den 10. november 2007
Når voksne mænd leger med actionmen
Den her skal ses:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 13.40
Tanker om NEXT GEN konsoller
360 Plans On Sticking Around for YEARS
Comment by InsomniaBob
Nominated by REDFIELD
The next gen console will have so much computational power, it will be able to float off 7 inches off the ground.
It will use a proprietary download format, requiring not only that you maintain a fiber optic connection, but also re-buy all your media in the new, all digital, discless format.
Not only will the next gen console's LAUNCH games suck, ALL of it's games will suck. Hard. And they'll be so expensive to make, there will only be 20 of them, spaced out one every 3 months. On top of that, there will be frequent delays, and every 4th game will be either a Madden, Tony Hawk, or Need for Speed title.
The next generation console will be bigger than your television. But, because it's floating seven feet off the ground, you can attack the underside for MASSIVE DAMAGE.
The only good game on the next gen console will be Super Smash Bros Brawl. It won't be a port. That's how far the game will be pushed back. On the positive side, fighter not only include every fighting game character in history, Gordon Freeman, Megaman, the guys from Contra, the Tetris L Block, and Tron, but also every major animal mascot character (Bubsy! Blinx! Acro the Bat!), and every United States President, with an Assist Trophy each for the VPs. Lincoln fires missiles out of his hat.
The next-gen console will look exactly like a Weighted Companion Cube.
The next-gen console will be released in Japan in 2010, America in early 2011, and Australia in Dec 12, 2012, signaling the end of the Mayan calendar, and the apocalypse. When asked about the European release, Jade Raymond, the company's PR rep, told Europe it could "get fucked".
Ads for the next-generation console will be extreme. VERY extreme. Taglines include:
"Games so dark and gritty, you'll be spitting asphault!
The future is 5-D! Yeah, that's right! Suck it!
Graphics so sweet, you'll kick your mom in the HEAD.
The Next Gen Console will come in 28 differnt models. Each model will have fewer and fewer features. The 28th and final version, released on the eve on man's extinction, will resemble a Colecovision deck. Regardless of features, all models will cost $1200 and a kidney.
Forum trolls, defending the Next Gen Console, becoming increasingly rabid in the face of posters who haven't bought one yet. Eventually, they organize into a rampaging troll army, and scour the hillside, looking for those who do not 'bear the mark'. (The next gen console imprints it's legal ownder with a barcode, so that units can not be traded in to Gamestop.) Gamers who do not own the Next Gen Console will be forced to buy one. If the gamer in question cannot afford the Next Gen Console, he will be killed. And eaten.
At E3 2009, the activation sequence of the Next Gen Console will kill Regie Fils-Aime from three rooms away.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 08.15
torsdag den 8. november 2007
Hvid ?mand? får at vide, at han ikke er far til sort barn ...
Jøsses, hvor kan man være dum. Håber at det er skuespillere ...
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.14
Loop: Collision
Guld fra 80'erne. Mig bekendt kan den her kun fås på vinyl. Den er fra albummet Fade Out.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.03
Rolling Stones interview med William Gibson
Fremtiden er nu!
"It's been an extraordinarily painful decade or so. I just never in my wildest dreams could have imagined that it could get as fucked up as this guy [George Bush]. It still amazes me how dumb so much of our species can manage to be. But that's kind of like being amazed at life."
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.41
tirsdag den 6. november 2007
Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law
"Larry Lessig gets TEDsters to their feet,
whooping and whistling, following this elegant presentation of "three
stories and an argument." The Net's most adored lawyer brings together
John Philip Sousa, celestial copyrights, and the "ASCAP cartel" to build
a case for creative freedom. He pins down the key shortcomings of our
dusty, pre-digital intellectual property laws, and reveals how bad laws
beget bad code. Then, in an homage to cutting-edge artistry, he throws
in some of the most hilarious remixes you've ever seen."
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.20
Rituel dans: Seriøst forstyrrede men egentlig ret underholdende fetish-folk-keltere
Sad og surfede efter et godt tilbud på reb til et lille lunt vinterprojekt, da jeg efter nogle klik endte hos den her flok fetish-folk-keltere:
Tjek nogle af deres opførsler f.eks. og
Ha, og min kone synes jeg er underlig!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 20.47
mandag den 5. november 2007
- Frustreret spiller, frustrerende spil
- Min lørdag aften
- Warhammer 40K spillere får for lidt sex
- Backupstrategier til hjemmet
- Når voksne mænd leger med actionmen
- Anarkistiske strikkerier
- Rigtige terrorister kan bruge alt som våben
- Tanker om NEXT GEN konsoller
- Dækafbrænding: Europa vs. Irak
- Hold dig fra stoffer!
- Hvid ?mand? får at vide, at han ikke er far til so...
- Loop: Collision
- Gud
- Rolling Stones interview med William Gibson
- Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by...
- Rituel dans: Seriøst forstyrrede men egentlig ret ...
- Cool feedback apparat