Walk Softly and Carry a Big… - Poorly Dressed People of the World - Fashion Fails: "“There is no mistaking they are men’s penis,” says M. Cleaver… “The pants that men wear now will be looked upon as girls’ pants after my models are sold.”"
onsdag den 29. juni 2011
Walk Softly and Carry a Big… - Poorly Dressed People of the World - Fashion Fails
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The Case For Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must
The Case For Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must: "Where there is no vision, the people perish."
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tirsdag den 28. juni 2011
mandag den 27. juni 2011
Egyptian man wrestles bored lion after it ate a donkey
Mr. Sayed Al Essawy successfully staged his fight with a five year old
male lion in a cage in a rural wheat field in the village of Saba'a Al
Thabit. The self-styled strongman and wrestler claimed victory over a
largely disinterested lion, who one person in the crowd claims was
sleepy from being fed an entire donkey prior to the fight. Success for
Mr. Al Essawy consisted of what he called the lion's "surrender,"
which he claims happened when the stupefied animal laid down in the
corner of the cage and refused to do anything.
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søndag den 26. juni 2011
YouTube - Wu-tang Clan - Da Mystery of Chessboxin'
YouTube - Wu-tang Clan - Da Mystery of Chessboxin': "The game of chess is like a swordfight You must think first before you move..."
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lørdag den 25. juni 2011
The 11 Most Unnecessary Movie/TV Games for the Commodore 64
The 11 Most Unnecessary Movie/TV Games for the Commodore 64 - Topless Robot: "Ever wish that your Commodore 64 could replicate the boredom of spending a Saturday night at your grandparents' house? Then check out the sublime tedium of Telarium's Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder!"
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fredag den 24. juni 2011
Aliens, acid trips, and James Brown: the best scenes from Miami Vice's science fiction episode
Aliens, acid trips, and James Brown: the best scenes from Miami Vice's science fiction episode: "In 1987, Miami Vice served up 'Missing Hours,' an episode that's considered to be the worst hour of pastel-soaked cop drama ever created. You wouldn't think Crockett and Tubbs would have an extraterrestrial encounter...but they did. And it was funky."
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Terminator 2 Is Still Amazing as Hand-Drawn Animation
Terminator 2 Is Still Amazing as Hand-Drawn Animation: "WATCH THISShare"
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William Gibson says cyberspace was inspired by 8-bit videogames
William Gibson says cyberspace was inspired by 8-bit videogames: "The real world had disappeared for them-it had completely lost its importance. They were in that notional space, and the machine in front of them was the brave new world."
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Good Morning Lego Prank! | Videogum
Good Morning Lego Prank! | Videogum: "Nothing gets me going in the morning like a good lego prank. I have to imagine that this particular lego prank, played on the general manager of Legoland, is part of a viral marketing campaign for Legoland only because, for one, every video I see on the internet I assume is part of a viral marketing campaign, and for two, I feel like I should want to go to Legoland now, after having seen this video. Except that I don’t! Because I bet it’s boring. Even if their employees play ridiculous pranks on their GM and then hold on his reaction for kind of an awkward amount of time. Have you ever been to Legoland? Is it as boring as I’m imagining it to be? Also, do you remember that episode of Full House where DJ put her principal’s car on the school’s roof as a senior prank? That’s what this is kinda like, because it’s a prank and it’s a car. Goooooood morning!"
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tirsdag den 21. juni 2011
20 Incredible LEGO Artworks by Nathan Sawaya | Bored Panda
20 Incredible LEGO Artworks by Nathan Sawaya | Bored Panda: "Some artists use paint, others bronze, but Nathan Sawaya chooses to build his awe-inspiring art out of toy building blocks. LEGO® bricks to be exact. The former corporate lawyer quit his job in 2001 to focus on becoming the world’s foremost LEGO artist."
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mandag den 20. juni 2011
lørdag den 18. juni 2011
Little Known Classics You NEED To Watch! | Internet Archive Blogs
Little Known Classics You NEED To Watch! | Internet Archive Blogs: "Internet Archive Blogs A blog from the Collections Team at www.archive.org
Skip to content"
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- Walk Softly and Carry a Big… - Poorly Dressed Peop...
- What if "At The Mountains of Madness" was an Itali...
- The Case For Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Plan...
- Hip med Beverly Hills
- The Greatest Car Crashes in Science Fiction and Fa...
- Egyptian man wrestles bored lion after it ate a do...
- Darth Pony
- Rebecca Black - Friday - 8-bit SNES-udgaven
- Conan the Raver!
- Earth Impact Effects Program
- YouTube - Wu-tang Clan - Da Mystery of Chessboxin'
- The 11 Most Unnecessary Movie/TV Games for the Com...
- My Little Wu-Tang Clan
- The bizarre musical instruments behind classic sci...
- Spot on- Artist's Statement
- CHRISTIANITY - You are doing it wrong!
- Aliens, acid trips, and James Brown: the best scen...
- Terminator 2 Is Still Amazing as Hand-Drawn Animation
- William Gibson says cyberspace was inspired by 8-b...
- Windows to Other Worlds: A Gallery of Portals in S...
- Good Morning Lego Prank! | Videogum
- 20 Incredible LEGO Artworks by Nathan Sawaya | Bor...
- Ewok Arrested After Exposing His Yub Nub in Public...
- Top 40 best free legal movies you can download rig...
- Little Known Classics You NEED To Watch! | Interne...