Masser af links i ingen synderlig orden

søndag den 27. marts 2011

Det bedste fra begge verdener ...

En hot babe og en hot gun.

søndag den 6. marts 2011

SHEEN WARS- A Charlie Sheen Darth Vader Mashup

Befehl, wir folgen!

 - the date is 4/20!!! thumbs up if you know what 420

Funny Exams - the date is 4/20!!! thumbs up if you kno

A+ if you live in Alabama

 - A+ if you live in Alabama

Funny Exams - A+ if you live in Alabama: "A+ if you live in Alabama"

Peter igen

 - Oh, Peter. XD you're doing it right.

Funny Exams - Oh, Peter. XD you're doing it right.

Konklusionen er glidecreme

 - i dont care if its fake or not i loved it

Funny Exams - i dont care if its fake or not i loved

Humanistisk matematik

 - well he did explain the shape of the graph

Funny Exams - well he did explain the shape of the gra

Hahahaha ....

 - Lol; 2nd line :"not again ..."

Funny Exams - Lol; 2nd line :"not again ..."




Ham her er er understimuleret ...

 - this is one of my faves of funny exams; the fact t
Funny Exams - this is one of my faves of funny exams;

Funny Exams - Priceless: "B is the new C"! L

 - Priceless: "B is the new C"! LOL

Funny Exams - Priceless: "B is the new C"! L

Passed Out Photos - Funny Passed Out Drunk Shaming Pics

823 - Funny Passed Out Drunk Shaming Pics

Passed Out Photos - Funny Passed Out Drunk Shaming Pics

Secret lives: The Artist's Studio at Compton Verney | Art and design |

Compton Verney - studios: 7 Reece Mews, Francis Bacon's Studio

Secret lives: The Artist's Studio at Compton Verney | Art and design |
