søndag den 31. januar 2010
søndag den 24. januar 2010
Journal of Non-lethal Combat: The First Earth Battalion
Har i set "The Men Who Stare at Goats"?
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.30
Alt om drengedrømme i 1970'erne. Tjek hvor mange pakker du selv havde.
Og læs lige samlerens historie.
Jeg har endnu 400+. De ligger pakket ned i nogle store kasser sammen med
westernborge, ridderborge, pak, tank mm. Siden dengang er der kommet en
ordentlig bunke Britains metalbase med. Mest riddere.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 17.54
lørdag den 23. januar 2010
fredag den 22. januar 2010
Earth calling: A short history of radio messages to ET - space - 20 January 2010
"Joe Davis is an artist and a research affiliate at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. In the mid-1980s, he became concerned that no
image of humans had been sent into space representing the details of
human genitals or reproduction."
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 02.04
tirsdag den 19. januar 2010
mandag den 18. januar 2010
Database: Injuries reported by emergency rooms
Søg på et eller andet ...
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.49
Er jeg den eneste der synes, det er lidt sjovt ...
... at Silvan har "Reb og kæder samt tilbehør i mange størrelser og
design ..." under "Fritid" i deres varesortiment?
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.15
Endnu et fund til 40.- kr ...
længere, men til 40.- kr incl. alle udvidelserne er det et fund. Her er
100+ timers solid historie.
Anmeldelse her:
http://www.gamereactor.dk/anmeldelser/40109/Neverwinter+Nights/ og her:
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.48
søndag den 17. januar 2010
Re: Story writer’s syndrome?
On 10 jul 2009, you wrote in alt.writing.fiction.sci-fi:
> Dear writers,
> I'm in the process of writing my Sci Fi story. When I started it I had
> a vague idea for a plot, which I abandoned after the 2nd chapter.
> The story had gown and wasn't going in the direction I initially
> planed for it, it had taken much more interesting turn.
> After a lot of thinking about it, I've worked out what's going to
> happen at the end on a grand sort of level, i.e.: to Humanity, the
> Earth and the Universe. But the fate of the individual characters I'm
> going to let evolve organically.
> I've been using the post it note method which is working well for the
> most part, that is you just carry a small wad of post it notes in your
> pocket and write down any ideas that come to you no matter how
> tenuous. Short sentences or just singles words are best I found!
> My concerns with are that in I've got 18 chapters over 61 pages thus
> far, in which an incredibly number of events happen, it's very fast
> moving.
> This was done in 30 thousand words although I couldn't tell you how
> long this story ultimately will be in the end.
> Some of my chapters are just one page long others are on average 5
> pages, I've read some thickish Sci Fi books by a well known author and
> I've also looked at some thin books.
> In the "Tome", a chapter averaged about 11 pages with an average of
> 400 to 450 words per page; my page average is about 500 words per
> page.
> I read the equivalent number of pages comparative to what I have
> written to see how many events that much writing would encompass.
> To my surprise this particular author only had 3 things happen to his
> characters in that space, there was a lot of dialogue that I found it
> tedious to wade though but I did because I cared about his characters
> And I wanted to see what happened to them although I had to get past
> all these words to do it.
> There was also lot of inner dialogue which often seemed to go on
> longer then the events supporting this soul searching could possibly
> accommodate.
> In my story I've been all over the universe, back in time and virtual
> reality. Civilizations have risen and fallen and insanity and evil are
> on the loose, Lovers have embraced, innocents have died and strange
> individuals with connected karma battle to save the universe.
> And that's all done in just 61 pages!
> So do you get my point? Is this too much too soon? I've reread what
> I've written and It doesn't seem to me that it come across as and info
> dump, all the Chapters work logically and connect the right way.
> So am I worrying about nothing, or is this just a short story writer's
> syndrome?
> What are your thoughts on this?
> Cary.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 17.25
lørdag den 16. januar 2010
Forskere fandt ingen burkaklædte kvinder
»Antallet af burkaer er ligegyldigt. Det er et spørgsmål om principper«,
siger ophavsmanden til burkadebatten, Naser Khader (K), til Information.
Forskerne har nok ikke set Nasers fakta :-)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 09.00
fredag den 15. januar 2010
It-sa Sweater!
This man be getting the ladies in that thing, yo.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 00.18
onsdag den 13. januar 2010
WoW Detox - The Detox center for your World of Warcraft Addiction!
WoWdetox is a volunteer-run web site aimed at people with a gaming
addiction to World of Warcraft. Here gamers and ex-gamers can share
their testimonies freely and anonymously.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 00.18
tirsdag den 12. januar 2010
Black Metal Theory: Black Metal Theory Symposium I (2009)
Information and archive site for periodic black metal theory symposia.
Not black metal. Not theory. Not not black metal. Not not theory. Black
metal theory. Theoretical blackening of metal. Metallic blackening of
theory. Mutual blackening. Nigredo in the intoxological crucible of
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 00.41
søndag den 10. januar 2010
lørdag den 9. januar 2010
The IT Crowd - "This, Jen, is the internet."
Incl. The Elders of the Internet ....
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 00.49
torsdag den 7. januar 2010
Bottom Live: The Stage Show Part 3
"Woooooooaaah! Jug Attack!"
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.59
Bottom Live: The Stage Show Part 1
Og det bliver bare bedre og bedre. Eller værre.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.40
Doomsday Movie Directory - over 400 end of the world movies
Yes! Underholdning til vi dør!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.23
tirsdag den 5. januar 2010
BeautifulPeople.com axes holiday weight gain members
Så er det i gang med nytårsforsætterne drenge og piger,
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.52
Hot Gaming
Altså. Enten spiller man eller så gør man det andet. Ikke begge dele på
en gang.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 22.46
mandag den 4. januar 2010
Congratulations to the winners of Fark's 2009 Headline of the Year contest
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 23.23
KlangDanevang's Channel
Punk i Århus i 70'erne og 80'erne incl. joggende punkere i underbukser
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.31
søndag den 3. januar 2010
The 17 Least Appropriate Playmobil Sets for Children
Nu har jeg det meget bedre med at min datter fik playmobil i julegave :-)
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 21.39
lørdag den 2. januar 2010
Yes, yes, yes! Pr0n for nørder ...
Girls in Bikinis Reading Lines from Star Wars!
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 10.16
Putin Girls
Gå i seng. Der er styr på det.
Indsendt af Unknown kl. 00.22
fredag den 1. januar 2010
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- Fokuser! Fokuser!
- Pussywhipped
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- Earth calling: A short history of radio messages t...
- Damned funny law-firm ad
- William Burroughs' ejendele fotograferet
- Hitler's Milan Cathedral statue is stolen and thro...
- Database: Injuries reported by emergency rooms
- Er jeg den eneste der synes, det er lidt sjovt ...
- Endnu et fund til 40.- kr ...
- Kraften er helt sikkert med dem her ....
- Re: Story writer’s syndrome?
- Stavebetjente
- Når jeg bliver stor vil jeg været det samme som mor!
- Forskere fandt ingen burkaklædte kvinder
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- Bottom Live: The Stage Show Part 3
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- Når man kan læse tegneserier på den, så er den ved...
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- BeautifulPeople.com axes holiday weight gain members
- Hot Gaming
- Congratulations to the winners of Fark's 2009 Head...
- KlangDanevang's Channel
- The 17 Least Appropriate Playmobil Sets for Children
- Bring out the git ...
- The Real STALKER 2
- Mere nedfald
- (LEGO) Brick House
- Let me shove you the force, baby!
- Zombie Training Camp
- Batmobil, anno 1870
- Yes, yes, yes! Pr0n for nørder ...
- Uha, uha, uha!
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