fredag den 29. maj 2009
torsdag den 28. maj 2009
lørdag den 23. maj 2009
mandag den 18. maj 2009
søndag den 17. maj 2009
lørdag den 16. maj 2009
onsdag den 13. maj 2009
tirsdag den 12. maj 2009
Den digitale politistat
The two crucial facts about the information gathered under an electronic
police state are these:
1. It is criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial.
2. It is gathered universally and silently, and only later organized for
use in prosecutions.
In an Electronic Police State, every surveillance camera recording,
every email you send, every Internet site you surf, every post you make,
every check you write, every credit card swipe, every cell phone ping…
are all criminal evidence, and they are held in searchable databases,
for a long, long time. Whoever holds this evidence can make you look
very, very bad whenever they care enough to do so. You can be prosecuted
whenever they feel like it – the evidence is already in their database.
Indsendt af
With the flip of one card, you realize what you have done during play. You crammed a bunch of wooden pawns uncomfortably into your train car, even stacking them on top of each other, because you thought it didn’t matter. You played cards to speed your train to its destination. You played intelligently and optimized the mechanics in your favor, and you won. And that means you lost.
Indsendt af
mandag den 11. maj 2009
lørdag den 9. maj 2009
fredag den 8. maj 2009
torsdag den 7. maj 2009
mandag den 4. maj 2009
søndag den 3. maj 2009
Normalt ville det her være lig intet sexliv, men ...
... det faktum, at det er til en pige han laver den, kunne tyde på, at
han vil få sex. Snart.
Indsendt af
lørdag den 2. maj 2009
fredag den 1. maj 2009
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