Masser af links i ingen synderlig orden

onsdag den 30. april 2008

Computer languages and facial hair – take two

About four years ago, I wrote an article about relationship between facial hair and computer languages success (this is cached page, the original article has been lost). Today, I want to recall this article and see what happened with my theory.

onsdag den 23. april 2008

Time for some stories

The following true stories were copied from a message board thread on because they needed to be preserved for posterity. /Every
single one/ of these stories was written by a seriously cool Canadian
man in his mid-20s who goes by the username "davesecretary

tirsdag den 22. april 2008

Project Aon: Du er helten- bøger (gratis download)

Klassiske du er helten bøger, hvor man med blyant, terning og en hel
masse bladren frem og tilbage kæmper sig gennem et eventyr. De er gratis
og legale! Enjoy!

søndag den 20. april 2008

Vertikale haver i fremtidens byer

Se billederne efter linket:

Let's Tell a Story Together (A History of Interactive Fiction)

Let's Tell a Story Together
(A History of Interactive Fiction)
Copyright 2006 by Jimmy Maher

1.  What is Interactive Fiction?
2.  The Birth of a Genre
3.  Bringing IF Home
4.  Infocom
5.  The Infocom Canon
6.  The Rest of Commercial IF
7.  The End of an Era
8.  The Growth of Hobbyist IF
9.  The Evolution of a Community
10. Suggested Works of Modern IF
11. The State of IF Today

Se at komme i gang!

6 anderledes (web)måder at fortælle historier på

Milliways: Infocom's Unreleased Sequel to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

From an anonymous source close to the company, I've found myself in
possession of the "Infocom Drive" — a complete backup of Infocom's
shared network drive from 1989. This is one of the most amazing archives
I've ever seen, a treasure chest documenting the rise and fall of the
legendary interactive fiction game company. Among the assets included:
design documents, email archives, employee phone numbers, sales figures,
internal meeting notes, corporate newsletters, and the source code and
game files for every released /and unreleased/ game Infocom made.

tirsdag den 15. april 2008

to the guy doing my wife

To the guy doing my wife. You know who you are. Yes I know. No I am not
angry, I would just ask a few things of you. After all you are giving it
to my wife...

lørdag den 12. april 2008

"I didn't inhale"

Ja ja sikkert. Hippiesvin.


fredag den 11. april 2008


Når du vil have lidt kulør på den indre dialog ....

søndag den 6. april 2008

Love will tear us apart / Susanna and The Magical Orchestra

Joy Divisions klassiker i ny fortolkning.
